

Digital device

Proyectos innovadores de periodismo digital de América Latina pueden obtener hasta US $250.000 de Google

Según Pires, hay muchas razones por las que a Google le importa e invierte en el fortalecimiento del periodismo a nivel global.

Revista Mono Red/accion

Young Argentinian media outlet bets on membership model and reader participation to end 'information intoxication'

The action button was launched in February 2019. Since then, it has generated more than a thousand responses or actions among its members.

SNTP Venezuela

Jornalistas venezuelanos entram na Assembleia Nacional um mês depois de Guarda Nacional negar-lhes acesso ao prédio

Mas na manhã de 4 de junho, jornalistas e membros da oposição forçaram a entrada através dos portões e pelos membros da GNB.

SNTP Venezuela logo

Periodistas venezolanos ingresan a la Asamblea Nacional luego de que la Guardia Nacional les hubiera negado el acceso por un mes

Pero en la mañana del 4 de junio, los periodistas y miembros de la oposición se abrieron paso a través de las puertas y en contra de los miembros de la GNB.

SNTP Venezuela logo

Venezuelan journalists make way into National Assembly after being denied access by national guard for one month

But on the morning of June 4, journalists and opposition members forced their way through the gates and past members of the GNB.

Verificado 2018 MX

Proyectos periodísticos de Brasil y México se llevan a casa galardones del World Digital Media Awards

Jota y Verificado fueron reconocidos junto a otros ocho productos periodísticos durante el Congreso del World News Media en Glasgow, Escocia, el 2 de junio.

Verificado 2018 MX

Journalistic projects from Brazil and Mexico take home prizes from the World Digital Media Awards

Jota and Verificado were recognized along with eight other news products during the World News Media Congress in Glasgow, Scotland on June 2.

Verificado 2018 MX

Journalistic projects from Brazil and Mexico take home prizes from the World Digital Media Awards

Jota and Verificado were recognized along with eight other news products during the World News Media Congress in Glasgow, Scotland on June 2.

Media. Photo by Kaique Rocha

¿Cuál es el rol de los medios de comunicación de México en el combate al crimen y la violencia?

Turati habla también de la importancia de ponerle lógica a la violencia y comenzar a hacer no solamente las crónicas del horror sino también encontrar patrones, cosas que puedan ayudar a la gente.

Camera taking a photo

What is the Mexican media’s role in the midst of multiple murders and mayhem?

Turati also stresses the importance of showing the logic behind the violence, and not only publishing horror stories but trying to find patterns to it, insights that can help people.

Media. Photo by Kaique Rocha

What is the Mexican media’s role in the midst of multiple murders and mayhem?

Turati also stresses the importance of showing the logic behind the violence, and not only publishing horror stories but trying to find patterns to it, insights that can help people.

ABC Color logo

Paraguayan journalist denounces lawmaker for alleged bribery attempt

A Paraguayan journalist for the newspaper ABC Color was sued for calumnia and defamation by a lawmaker who the reporter said participated in an attempt to bribe him so that he’d stop investigating a story.