

Gabriel Soriano

Mexican engineer and radio host killed in Acapulco while returning from assignment in news van

An engineer and radio host in Acapulco, Guerrero was killed on the evening of Oct. 24 after armed people shot at the news van he was driving while returning from an assignment.

Guilherme Jardim

How to cover artificial intelligence and understand its impact on journalism: MOOC in Portuguese, in partnership with Microsoft

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning. These are some terms that are in high demand in many professional fields, but which are not yet familiar to many in news media.

Meeting of the Advisory Council on Internet and Elections of the TSE in Brasília on Oct. 22. (Photo: Nelson Jr. / Ascom / TSE)

Brazilian verification initiatives call for electoral court’s collaboration to fight disinformation during elections

Seven Brazilian verification initiatives presented a letter with suggestions of concrete measures that the Superior Electoral Court (TSE, for its initials in Portuguese) can take to help them fight general disinformation related to the country's elections, whose second round happens on Oct. 28.

People protesting for peace

19 journalists from Ecuador and Colombia publish special report on the three murdered Ecuadorian journalists from El Comercio

For more than four months, 19 Ecuadorian and Colombian journalists from different media, along with national and international organizations, followed the tracks of three press colleagues abducted and murdered on the border between the two countries earlier this year.

Person drinking coffee and writing in a notebook

Fellowship applications are open! Spend time at a U.S. university exploring your own reporting project or research idea

Fellowships are a great opportunity to pursue that research idea or special project you’ve been mulling over the past few years, or to update your training on the latest tools or reporting techniques.

Desierto de informacion

Almost 9 million Colombians live in zones of silence, according to new report from FLIP

When the peace process with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC, for its initials in Spanish) began in 2015, the team at the country's Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) wanted to measure the armed conflict's impact on local journalism.

General Assembly of IAPA in Salta, Argentina. (Screenshot)

IAPA approves declaration on freedom of expression principles in the digital age during General Assembly

The General Assembly of the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) and its board of directors approved the Declaration of Salta on the principles of freedom of expression in the digital era on Oct. 22 in Argentina. The declaration aims to guarantee that human rights are respected in the digital space.

President of the Constitutional Court of Peru, Ernesto Blume (Photo: Juan Manuel Herrera/OEA via Flickr]

Peruvian court declares law forbidding State from buying official advertising in private media as unconstitutional

With six votes in favor and one against, the Peruvian Constitutional Court annulled the law that prohibited the State from contracting state advertising with private media after declaring it unconstitutional, newspaper El Comercio reported. The law was approved by congress last June.

Agustina Grasso of Escritura Crónica teaches a workshop on crónicas. (Courtesy)

The journalistic crónica in times of social networks: Latin American media breathe new life into narrative journalism

From the Brazilian Euclides da Cunha to Peruvian Gabriela Wiener, to Colombian Gabriel García Márquez, Argentinean Leila Guerriero, Mexican Alma Guillermoprieto and dozens of other names, Latin America is home to great tellers of real stories that bring elements of literature to journalistic texts.

Paola Ugaz

Archbishop sues Peruvian journalist for aggravated defamation

Peruvian journalist Paola Ugaz was criminally denounced for aggravated defamation by the Archbishop of Piura and Tumbes, José Antonio Eguren Anselmi.

Paola Ugaz

Archbishop sues Peruvian journalist for aggravated defamation

Peruvian journalist Paola Ugaz was criminally denounced for aggravated defamation by the Archbishop of Piura and Tumbes, José Antonio Eguren Anselmi. The religious figure accuses Ugaz of having damaged his honor and reputation.

Paola Ugaz

Obispo denuncia penalmente a periodista peruana por difamación agravada

La periodista peruana Paola Ugaz fue denunciada penalmente por difamación agravada por el Arzobispo de Piura y Tumbes, José Antonio Eguren Anselmi. El religioso acusa a Ugaz de haber dañado su honor y reputación.