

Ex-paramilitary member sentenced to 24 years in prison for killing of Colombian reporter 10 years ago

An ex-paramilitary member in Colombia was sentenced to 24 years and two months in prison for killing journalist Álvaro Alonso Escobar 10 years ago, reported the Foundation for a Free Press.

Brazilian journalist fired after declaring support for striking police

Brazilian journalist Valdeck Filho was fired from the TV Aratu police program "In the Crosshairs" on Feb. 3, after declaring his support for the military police strike in the state of Bahia, reported the website Observador Político.

Bolivia backs off media regulation, for now

The Bolivian government announced that it will not move forward with a new press law but that it does intend to "bring the work of the press and journalism into line with the new Constitution," reported the television channel Eju TV.

Law takes effect in Ecuador prohibiting journalists from reporting on elections

An Ecuadoran law prohibiting the media from reporting on elections went into effect Saturday, Feb. 4, reported the news agency Agencia de Noticias del Ecuador y Sudamérica.

Honduras joins Cuba in denying journalists permission to travel to Brazil

A Honduran journalist was kept from traveling to Brazil on Feb. 3, when he was ordered to appear in court, reported the Committee for Freedom of Expression in Honduras.

U.S. photojournalist fired for altering images

Award-winning photojournalist Bryan Patrick was fired from the Sacramento Bee for manipulating photographs, the newspaper announced Saturday, Feb. 4. A review of Patrick's work showed at least photos had been altered going back to 2009, the newspaper said.

Police arrest photojournalist during eviction of Occupy protesters in Miami

In yet another example of why the U.S. plummeted in Reporters' Without Borders' annual press freedom rankings, Miami photojournalist Carlos Miller said police erased the images on his camera when he was arrested while covering the police eviction of Occupy protesters, according to the Miami New Times.

TV reporting crew robbed in Brazil

The vehicle of television journalists from TV Clube was attacked Thursday, Feb. 2, when the reporting crew, affiliated with the channel TV Record, was preparing to cover a Carnival event in the center of the Brazilian city of Recife, reported Portal PS.

Award-winning journalist Hollman Morris speaks to the Knight Center about his decision to return to Colombia, despite the risk

Award-winning Colombian journalist Hollman Morris, a former Harvard University Nieman Fellow, has decided to return to his home country "despite having received several threats," he said in an interview with the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas.

Mourners attack journalists in Venezuela at young girl's funeral

On the morning of Feb. 3, mourners attacked journalists covering the burial of Anabel Arguello, a Venezuelan girl killed in a skirmish in the western city of Maracaibo, reported the website NotiZulia.

Brazilian gunmen fire on offices of TV broadcaster in shooting spree

Bullet holes were found in the side of the offices of TV Oeste, an affiliate of the Brazilian broadcaster TV Bahia, on the morning of Jan. 4, in the northeastern city of Barreiras, reported the website G1. According to witnesses, two men on a motorcycle drove up to the building and fired three shots into its facade.

Journalists concerned about increasing police attacks on press in Mexican border city

The Juarez Journalists Network reported three city police attacks on reporters in one week in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The latest came the evening of Friday, Feb. 3, when police officers arrested and beat a reporter for El Diario in the newspaper's parking lot, according to Clases de Periodismo and Objetivo Radio.