With more than 500 killings during the last 10 years, journalism is one of the most dangerous professions in the world, according to an alert from the United Nations.
On the evening of Oct. 3, Brazilian journalist Francisco Cidimar Ferreira Sombra was attacked and gunmen fired several shots at his home in the city of Russas in the northeastern state of Ceará, reported Ceará Agora. The shots narrowly missed the room where the journalist's son sleeps.
Chilean journalists were attacked and arrested by police Thursday, Oct. 6, while covering riots that resulted from a student march in Santiago, Chile, reported radio station Uchile.
One year after the alleged attempted coup d’etat that shook Ecuador on Sept. 30, 2010 (known as 30S), Fundamedios published a report about attacks against the media and freedom of expression in the country. The report studies attacks before and after 30S, and shows a significant increase in the number of aggressions against journalists in the last year.
The Federal Commission of Telecommunications (Cofetel), the organization responsible for regulating the media in Mexico, is considering a proposal to open up the air waves and offer more digital television broadcasting licenses, according to a report from the newspaper El Universal.
On Oct. 6, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) asked the Chilean Congress to reject the government's proposed penal code reform on the grounds that it violates fundamental freedoms of expression.
Na tarde deste domingo, 9 de outubro, o jornalista Antonio Carlos Ferrari foi agredido e ameaçado em um evento no município de Itaporã, no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, informou o site Dourado News.
O jornalista Paulo Benito teve seu contrato cancelado com a TV Allamanda, afiliada do SBT no estado de Rondônia, na última quinta-feira, 6 de outubro, acusado de fazer "merchandising" de um político, segundo o site Gazeta de Rondônia.
After first going after Twitter for information about accounts of WikiLeaks supporters, now the U.S. government has obtained secret court orders forcing Google Inc. and the Internet provider Sonic.net to hand over the email addresses of anyone who has corresponded with WikiLeaks volunteer Jacob Appelbaum during the past two years, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Guyanese President Bharrat Jagdeo has suspended the Indian-Hindu television station, channel CNS-TV6, during the four-month campaign window for the presidential elections, reported the Committee to Protect Journalists.
A Comissão Federal de Telecomunicações (Cofetel), órgão regulador deste setor no México, analisa um projeto para oferecer mais licenças de televisão aberta no país, informou o jornal El Universal.
Journalist Calixto Ramón Martínez Arias of the Hablemos Press agency was detained on Sept. 30 and is currently awaiting expulsion from the Cuban capital of Havana to his hometown of Camagüey in the east of the communist country.