

Presidente da Guiana ordena suspensão das transmissões de emissora de TV durante período eleitoral

O presidente da Guiana, Bharrat Jagdeo, ordenou a suspensão das transmissões da emissora de TV CNS6 durante quatro meses, período que coincide com o das campanhas para a eleição presidencial, informou o Comitê para a Proteção dos Jornalistas (CPJ).

Bullets riddle Brazilian investigative reporter's car

Gunmen fired six shots into the car of Brazilian reporter Sérgio Ricardo de Almeida da Luz on the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 5, in the city of Toledo in the southern state of Paraná, reported the website O Paraná. The car was parked outside the reporter's home. No one was in the car during the attack.

Pro-Chavez hackers strike again, targeting critical journalist's social media and e-mail accounts

The director of the site Código Venezuela, journalist Milagros Socorro, announced that hackers attacked her blog, Twitter and e-mail accounts in retaliation for criticizing President Chavez's communications ministry, reported the website La Patilla.

Honduras and Peru top list of most death threats against journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI) announced that 12 Latin American journalists received death threats in the last month. The grim practice has become disturbingly common in countries like Honduras and Peru, where the highest number of cases originated.

Plano para assassinar apresentadora de televisão na Colômbia é revelado por homem encomendado para matá-la

Um homem que se identificou como membro da organização criminosa Los Urabeños chamou uma emissora de rádio da cidade de Valledupar, no nordeste da Colômbia, para informar que havia recebido ordens de atentar contra a vida de várias pessoas, entre elas uma jornalista, de acordo com a Fundação para a Liberdade de Imprensa (FLIP, na sigla em espanhol) da Colômbia.

Assassin announces on Colombian radio that he was ordered to go after journalist

A member of the Colombian criminal organization Los Urabeños called in to a radio show in the northern city of Valledupar saying that he had been ordered to attack a journalist and several other individuals, reported the Colombian Foundation for Freedom of the Press (FLIP in Spanish).

UN rapporteur aims to investigate rising violence against Honduran journalists

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression said he would ask the Honduran government permission to investigate the killings of 16 journalists in the Central American country since the June 2009 coup d'état, reported the news agency EFE.

Jornalista policial tem carro baleado em atentado no Paraná

O carro do jornalista Sérgio Ricardo de Almeida da Luz foi atingido por seis tiros na manhã desta quarta-feira, 5 de outubro, em Toledo, no estado do Paraná, informou o site O Paraná. O veículo estava estacionado em frente ao prédio onde mora o repórter, mas não havia ocupantes no momento do atentado.

Arsonist burns radio station in Argentina

An arsonist burned the offices of a radio station broadcasting out of the town of Zárate, north of the Argentine capital Buenos Aires, reported the Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA in Spanish).

Brazilian bloggers will soon be able to join Yahoo! Contributors Network

Yahoo! Vice President Luke Beatty announced the search engine's still nascent Yahoo! Contributor Network, a freelance collaborative news network, was coming to Brazil, IDG Now! reported.

Robbery motivated killing of two Mexico City journalists

Police detained two suspects for the killing of two reporters in Mexico City, reported the newspaper El Universal. The reporters, Marcela Yarce and Rocío González Trápaga, were killed in an abandoned property on the evening of Sept. 1, on their way to exchange one million Mexican pesos (more than U.S. $72,000) into U.S. dollars, reported the EFE news agency.

Mexican journalist wins press freedom award for covering drug trafficking, organized crime

For suffering through attacks and threats for covering drug trafficking and organized crime, Mexican journalist Javier Arturo Valdez Cárdenas was named one of the winners of the Committee to Protect Journalists' 2011 International Press Freedom Awards.