
Press Freedom


Peruvian archbishop withdraws defamation suit against second journalist

A senior representative of the Peruvian Catholic Church who accused an investigative journalist of defamation withdrew his lawsuit against her.

Honduran journalist David Romero is arrested after police raid his radio station Radio Globo. (Screenshot from Radio Globo video on Facebook)

Honduran journalist sentenced for defamation is arrested after police raid his radio station

Police officers forcibly entered a Honduran radio station to apprehend the director, a journalist sentenced to 10 years in prison for defamation.

libertad de expression

New edition of course on freedom of expression begins with more than 2,000 judicial operators from Ibero-America

A new edition of the free online course on International Legal Framework of freedom of expression, access to public information and protection of journalists began on April 1 with 2,126 judicial operators from Ibero-America.

Luis Carlos Díaz

Venezuelan journalist released from detention, charged with public incitement and prohibited from leaving country

Venezuelan journalist Luis Carlos Díaz has been charged with public incitement, but was released from detention on the evening of March 12, according to freedom of expression organization Espacio Público.

Mario Peláez

Venezuelan journalist is accused in anti-terrorism court in his country after crossing border with Colombia

Venezuelan journalist Mario Peláez was released on March 3, four days after the National Guard detained him at the Colombia-Venezuela border and then handed him over to the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin, for its initials in Spanish), according to the National Union of Press Workers (SNTP) of Venezuela.


Exiled in Costa Rica, Carlos Chamorro talks about how journalists are adapting to conditions of insecurity in Nicaragua

For journalist Carlos Fernando Chamorro, who left Nicaragua in January and is now working from exile in Costa Rica, getting used to working in conditions of physical and legal insecurity has been a challenge.

Laura Weffer fundó el sitio de noticias Efecto Cocuyo, junto con Luz Mely Reyes y Josefina Ruggiero, en 2015.

Independent digital media are helping to regain the trust of the Venezuelan people, says journalist Laura Weffer

Weffer explained that beyond the blocking and censorship, the crisis of journalism in Venezuela also has to do with the fact that the profession lost the trust of the people.

Carmen Aristegui

Mexico Supreme Court decides in favor of freedom of expression and gives new victory to journalist Carmen Aristegui

The First Chamber of that court granted an amparo to the journalist, which revoked the sentence of a Mexican federal court that convicted Aristegui of moral damage of businessman Joaquin Vargas Guajardo, president of the media group.

O ministro do STF Gilmar Mendes, que teve ganho de causa no STJ em processo contra o jornalista Rubens Valente. (Foto: Nelson Jr./SCO/STF)  

Brazilian journalist is ordered to pay damages to Supreme Court minister over passages in book

The book is a report about the operation that investigated banker Daniel Dantas, who was arrested in 2008 after being accused of corruption and bribery and released a few days later upon Mendes’ decision, then-president of the STF, the country's highest court.

Carmen Aristegui

Mexican Supreme Court confirms journalist Carmen Aristegui was fired illegally

After four years of court proceedings, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation of Mexico confirmed that the journalist Carmen Aristegui was improperly and illegally dismissed by the MVS radio group, according to Aristegui Noticias.