
Press Freedom

SNTP Venezuela logo

Periodistas venezolanos ingresan a la Asamblea Nacional luego de que la Guardia Nacional les hubiera negado el acceso por un mes

Pero en la mañana del 4 de junio, los periodistas y miembros de la oposición se abrieron paso a través de las puertas y en contra de los miembros de la GNB.

SNTP Venezuela logo

Venezuelan journalists make way into National Assembly after being denied access by national guard for one month

But on the morning of June 4, journalists and opposition members forced their way through the gates and past members of the GNB.

ABC Color logo

Paraguayan journalist denounces lawmaker for alleged bribery attempt

A Paraguayan journalist for the newspaper ABC Color was sued for calumnia and defamation by a lawmaker who the reporter said participated in an attempt to bribe him so that he’d stop investigating a story.

Newspapers bring printed

Guatemalan presidential candidate withdraws request for precautionary measures against editors of elPeriódico

Guatemalan presidential candidate Sandra Torres withdrew a request for precautionary measures against a group of editors of the independent newspaper El Periódico who she sued using the country’s feminicide law.

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104-year-old daily is the latest Venezuelan newspaper to stop print edition due to lack of paper

It is the 67th newspaper to end its print offering, either temporarily or permanently, between 2013 and 2019, according to IPYS Venezuela. Zulia joins three other Venezuelan states which no longer have a print publication, the press freedom organization added.

Caracas, Venezuela

Spanish journalist is 12th foreign correspondent to be expelled from Venezuela in 2019

A Spanish journalist is the latest foreign correspondent covering the sociopolitical crisis in Venezuela to be ordered to leave the country by the government of President Nicolás Maduro, according to local and international media.

Newspapers bring printed

We asked Latin American journalists why press freedom is important and this is what they said

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas wanted to celebrate World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) by turning the tape recorder to journalists and press freedom advocates.

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World Press Freedom Day focuses on 'journalism and elections in times of disinformation'

Each May 3 is a global celebration of press freedom and its importance to society. For this year’s World Press Freedom Day (WPFD), journalists and press freedom advocates will focus on media and elections, as well as the role of media in peace and reconciliation


Peruvian archbishop withdraws defamation suit against second journalist

A senior representative of the Peruvian Catholic Church who accused an investigative journalist of defamation withdrew his lawsuit against her.

Honduran journalist David Romero is arrested after police raid his radio station Radio Globo. (Screenshot from Radio Globo video on Facebook)

Honduran journalist sentenced for defamation is arrested after police raid his radio station

Police officers forcibly entered a Honduran radio station to apprehend the director, a journalist sentenced to 10 years in prison for defamation.

libertad de expression

New edition of course on freedom of expression begins with more than 2,000 judicial operators from Ibero-America

A new edition of the free online course on International Legal Framework of freedom of expression, access to public information and protection of journalists began on April 1 with 2,126 judicial operators from Ibero-America.