Every 25th of May, Honduras celebrates the Day of the Journalist. For some, however, there is very little to celebrate and journalists prefer to take the time to raise their voices and denounce the constant harassment they claim to suffer in exercising their profession.
A Colombian government agency that fights unfair competition and protects consumers’ rights denied a request from the main Colombian newspapers seeking to stop a news website aggregator from using their content.
The future of the former president of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014), will be determined on March 25, when the electoral criminal protection that he currently has will be officially removed.
The dismissal of journalist Carmen Aristegui from MVS radio group in Mexico on March 15 fueled the existing national controversy caused by the recent dismissal of two reporters who were part of her team.
The dismissal of journalist Carmen Aristegui from MVS radio group in Mexico on March 15 fueled the existing national controversy caused by the recent dismissal of two reporters who were part of her team. Many are labeling the firing of these communicators as an attack on freedom of expression.
The conviction that the Supreme Court of Colombia issued against the former director of the defunct Administrative Department of Security (DAS, by its Spanish acronym), María del Pilar Hurtado, and former Secretary General of the Presidency in the administration of Álvaro Uribe, Bernardo Moreno Villegas, implies a breakthrough in the investigation of cases related to violations of freedom of the press in the country, according to some organizations.
Feb. 17 was a day like any other for Yohir Akerman, former columnist for El Colombiano, until he discovered – while flipping through the pages of the paper – that he had been fired. The reason: claiming that “god was wrong” to reject homosexuality in the Bible in one of his columns.
Accompanied by a group of people wearing shirts with the slogan "I'm Bonil," a replica of the French "Je suis Charlie," Xavier Bonilla 'Bonil', cartoonist of the newspaper El Universo in Ecuador, presented himself before the Superintendent of Information and Communication (Supercom) last Feb. 9, according to the Ecuadorian publication Plan V.
With a total of 579 violations and 350 cases, 2014 was the “worst year” on record in terms “guarantees to the human right to freedom of expression” in Venezuela, according to non-governmental organization Espacio Público. The number of violations and cases, they said, are the highest they have been in the past 20 years.
Five years after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti, the country's journalists face threats, harassment, and silencing by government supporters and, on occasion, the president himself. While journalism had an urgent and imperative role in the aftermath of the earthquake, Haitian journalists have maintained a steady criticism of reconstruction efforts and, as a result, have been vilified by authorities.
After more than a century in the hands of the Mantilla family, one of Ecuador's oldest and most traditional newspapers – El Comercio – has been sold to Latin American media mogul Remigio Ángel González, a Mexican who launched his TV empire in Guatemala and is known for avoiding editorial conflict with governments.
After being sentenced to seven months in prison for writing a fictional essay, journalist Cristian Góes has been ordered to pay 30 thousand Brazilian Reals (US$11,300) in compensation for moral damages to judge Edson Ulisses, vice president of the Sergipe Justice Tribunal.