A fire at a Brazilian nightclub in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul killed over 230 people and left 129 injured in the early morning of Sunday, Jan. 27, reported The New York Times and Zero Hora.
Courts in Pará ruled once again against journalist Lúcio Flávio Pinto, winner of last year's Vladimir Herzog Amnesty and Human Rights Award, among several other accolades for his work in recent years.
The president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, has urged the governors and mayors of his country to accept media criticism as a “bucket of cold water” and see if they are doing things well, according to the newspaper El País.
The president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, has urged the governors and mayors of his country to accept media criticism as a “bucket of cold water” and see if they are doing things well, according to the newspaper El País.
Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner lashed out at the media on her Twitter account after the Spanish newspaper El País published a fake photograph of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.
After a nine-year legal process that involved several courts, the Supreme Court of Justice in Chile absolved a journalist accused of slander, according to the web portals of Cooperativa Chile and the country's judicial branch.
Concerned about the growing threat of slander and libel lawsuits as tool to censor the press, the Free Press Foundation (FLIP in Spanish) released "Outside Justice: a manual for journalists facing slander and libel charges,".
On Jan. 21, 60 Colombian governors and mayors will sign the Inter American Press Association's (IAPA) Declaration of Chapultepec, according to a press release from the association.
A government decree that would temporarily suspend tax credits enjoyed by the media in Honduras sparked controversy in the country, according to a report from the website Centinela Económico.
The U.S. government named freedom of expression one of three "specific challenges" in its strategy toward Latin America, along with energy resources and education, reported the news agency EFE.
An anarchist collective claimed that Cuban customs officials confiscated a mail package containing samples of a Venezuelan newspaper, according to the website Havana Times.
Several journalism and human rights organizations criticized the fine that TV broadcaster Globovisión received from Venezuela's National Telecommunications Commission after running a series of videos regarding Chávez's inability to be present for the presidential inauguration.