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Brazil: Globo group journalists protest against salary losses

"Journalists from O Globo, Valor Econômico and other media companies protested on Wed. May 25, in Brasília because of a salary reconfiguration. According to the Union of Journalists of the Federal District, the companies' proposal means a salary readjustment of 5%, paid in installments and without back pay. Protesters cited high inflation in Brazil to […]

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Abraji repudiates councilmember's stoning attack on journalist in Brazil

"Journalist Alexandre Megale, from Ouro Fino (Minas Gerais, Brazil), was attacked on May 16, by councilmember Paulo Luiz de Cantuária (...). The politician closed in on the journalist's motorcycle with his car and then threw stones at his head. According to Megale, Cantuária even picked up a bigger rock with both hands to hit him […]

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Brazil: Jovem Jornalista Award opens registration for 2022 edition

"Registration is now open for the 14th edition of the Fernando Pacheco Jordão Jovem Journalist Award, promoted by the Vladimir Herzog Institute in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji, for its acronym in Portuguese) and four other organizations. Brazilian students must present proposals for coverage on the theme "The cries the world […]

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News organizations in Brazil protest against an attempt to run over two female journalists from the Globo network

"In another case of violence against journalists that occurred in Brazil, GloboNews reporter Paula Araújo and film reporter Patrícia Santos were the object of an attempt to strike them with a vehicle on the morning of Tuesday, May 10. (...) News organizations protested against the new attack attempt against professionals in the sector. According to […]

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Legal harassment in Brazil: When denouncing a judge in the media means going bankrupt (or even going to prison)

"From north to south in Brazil, magistrates have interfered with press freedom and profited from it. I mapped a series of cases in which members of the judiciary followed Judge Lopes' example: displeased with what they read, they appealed to professional colleagues to silence journalists. In most situations, there are also demands for compensation reaching […]

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Agência Pública from Brazil launches book with behind-the-scenes stories from its 10 years of investigative journalism

“In late 2010, Wikileaks shocked the world with the release of Cablegate, the leak of thousands of telegrams exchanged between the United States and its embassies around the world that laid bare international diplomacy, revealing the true interests of the US government and other countries. Among the journalists who participated in this gigantic scoop was […]

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Structural violence against journalists and disinformation impede the advancement of press freedom in Brazil, says RSF

"Reporters without Borders (RSF) launched on May 3 the World Press Freedom Ranking, an annual publication that compares the working conditions of press professionals in 180 countries and territories. Structural violence against journalists, a media scenario marked by high private concentration and the increase in disinformation were highlighted by RSF as impediments to the advancement […]

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Brazil: Trial for radio host Valério Luiz’s murder postponed for third time due to the defense walking out

"The defense of former vice president of the Atlético Goianiense soccer club Maurício Sampaio walked out this Monday (May 2) from the plenary session of the Court of Justice of Goiás (TJ-GO). This caused the third suspension of the jury session that will prove the guilt or innocence of those suspected of having killed journalist […]

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‘A never-ending nightmare’: A son’s decade-long fight for justice for murdered Brazilian sports journalist

"On July 5, 2012, Valério Luiz de Oliveira Filho was at home waiting for his father to arrive for lunch when he received a phone call from his stepmother. 'Go to the broadcaster,' she told him through tears, he said. 'Your father has been shot.' His father, Valério Luiz de Oliveira, a well-known sports journalist […]

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Radio host denounces censorship and political interference in Teresina, Brazil

"Marco Aurélio de Morais Siqueira was a radio host at FM Cultura in Teresina, Brazil, for 23 years. He presented the Usina do Som program, which aired Monday to Friday, 5 pm to 6 pm. About a month ago, he was removed by force from his place of work for the municipality's Finance Department. According […]

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Agência Pública provides database of conflicts in the Brazilian Amazon

"Based on the information collected and brought to the public annually in the CPT's Conflicts in Campo Brasil reports, the Conflict Map makes an unprecedented analysis of data, investigating the instances of conflicts in the countryside in the Legal Amazon during the last decade (2011-2020). In addition to being a way to stimulate readers' interest […]

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Abraji calls for a rigorous investigation into the attack suffered by reporter Gabriel Luiz in Brasilia, Brazil

"The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) expresses its concern over the serious violence suffered by reporter Gabriel Luiz, from TV Globo, on Thursday night, April 14, when he was attacked by two men. According to the first video analysis of the scene of the events, they followed him at a distance. The criminals stabbed […]