Agência Lupa [from Brazil] has just launched the Mirante training program. Registrations are open until Nov. 28. The training in fact-checking and media education is focused on the 2022 electoral coverage Brazil. The program is open to students and professionals from all areas who have an interest in building solutions to combat disinformation by exploring […]
"More than 350 journalists folded their arms for two hours this Wednesday afternoon (Nov. 10). The protest claims the 8.9% readjustment in all salaries in the Salary Campaign of Newspapers and Magazines in the Capital. The index represents inflation of the campaign period, from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021." Read original release (in […]
"Reporters Without Borders (RSF, for its acronym in French) is unveiling the nominees for the 2021 RSF Press Freedom Awards, which will be awarded on 18 November. Journalists and media outlets from 11 countries have been nominated for the awards that will be given in three categories – journalistic courage, impact and independence." Nicaraguan weekly […]
"The Prosecutor General of the Republic, Augusto Aras, spoke out on Oct. 28, 2021 against the campaign of the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) which asks for President Jair Bolsonaro to unblock 65 journalists on Twitter. Aras claims that Bolsonaro's posts on the social network 'have no official character.' However, four advisors from the […]
“At the end of the G20 summit, while other leaders were giving press conferences, President Jair Bolsonaro went out to meet supporters near the Brazilian embassy, in the center of Rome. The president was hostile to journalists. And the security guards around him were violent with those who tried to ask questions. When asking why […]
"Reporters Without Borders (RSF, for its acronym in French) hails the progress in the investigation into journalist Romano dos Anjos’s abduction and torture in October 2020 in Roraima state, in northern Brazil, which has led to the arrest of Roraima state assembly representative Jalser Renier. The judicial system must now clearly identify everyone involved in […]
"The headquarters of Editora Três, responsible for publishing the magazine IstoÉ, was the target of criminal attacks this Wednesday night [Oct. 20], days after publishing an edition whose cover compares President Jair Bolsonaro to Adolf Hitler. According to the company, 'political activists' put up posters and graffiti on the walls of the place, causing damage […]
"The battle over what is true or false, who gets to decide, and whether and how to punish offenders, is tearing at the very fabric of [Brazil's] young democracy. Fake news is badly eroding the public’s faith in Brazil’s voting system ahead of presidential elections in 2022. It is also at the heart of a […]
"Cameraman Leandro Matozo, from GloboNews, was attacked this Tuesday (Oct. 12, 2021) by a supporter of [Brazilian] President Jair Bolsonaro in the city of Aparecida, in the interior of São Paulo. The journalist was with station colleague Victor Ferreira covering the chief executive's visit to the location. The two were preparing for a live broadcast […]
"The Data Journalism and Digital Methods Conference will take place entirely online again in 2021, after bringing together more than 500 participants from all over Brazil last year. There will be dozens of live activities over the course of a week, between November 8 and 13. The debate panels, keynotes and the Cláudio Weber Abramo […]
On Oct. 21, Columbia Global Freedom of Expression and the World Leaders Forum, with the support of UNESCO, are pleased to host a dialogue on the application of global norms on freedom of expression. Justices and academics from Latin America, including Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil and Colombia will present. Read schedule and register
"Journalist José Maschio, from Londrina, in Northern Paraná, had to testify to the Civil Police for having published a photo of the participation of Judge Isabele Papafanurakis Ferreira Noronha in anti-democratic demonstrations against the Supreme Court (STF) last Sept. 7th The clarifications were provided last Monday (Sept. 27), as part of investigations opened at the […]