
Threats Against Journalists

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Digital media outlet from Michoacán, Mexico, reports death threats

“Since May 6, the journalistic platform Portal Hidalgo [based in the state of Michoacán, Mexico] received [...] a warning to stop publishing against the country's President, under threat of silencing the journalists of that site. Jorge Hidalgo, head of the media outlet, is already evaluating the way forward. [...] In an interview with Quadratín, the […]

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Relatives of murdered journalists denounce threats by senior official during protest in Veracruz, Mexico

“Through social networks, it was reported in Xalapa, Veracruz, that relatives of murdered journalists have been subjected to threats by a senior state official. The director of Regional Policy of the Ministry of the Interior of Veracruz, Héctor Eduardo Ciprian Méndez, is accused of intimidating family members during a public event in Plaza Lerdo. Jorge […]

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IAPA warns of judicial criminalization and threats against journalists in Paraguay

"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) warned in a document released Friday [April 19] about the 'cases of judicial criminalization against the journalistic practice' in Paraguay and the threats faced by reporters and journalists as a result of the denunciations made as part of their work. [...] The organization also mentioned that 'several prosecutors and […]

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Argentine journalist Hugo Moyano receives bullets in unaddressed envelope

"The journalistic environment of Santa Cruz, [Argentina], especially its capital Río Gallegos, felt a strong shock today [April 17] after it was reported that journalist Huyo Moyano, recognized for the Contracara program of the station Radio News, received an envelope with two bullets inside as a death threat. The incident was recorded by a security […]

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Argentine journalist Julio Ernesto López receives death threats after reporting on illegal medication sales

"Argentine authorities must thoroughly investigate the death threats received by journalist Julio Ernesto López on his father’s cell phone, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on Friday [April 12, 2024]. According to an April 5 post on X, formerly Twitter, by the Association of Argentine Press Companies (ADEPA), a professional association, and a complaint López […]

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Argentina: Businessman threatens journalist with legal action over news report

"The Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA, by its Spanish acronym) expressed its solidarity with a journalist from [digital news outlet] iProfesional, Andrés Sanguinetti, 'who was threatened by a businessman with a civil and criminal lawsuit if he does not retract and remove a publication.' [...] 'The iProfesional colleague received a letter from the businessman Pablo Otero, […]

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Gustavo Gorriti, director of IDL-Reporteros, denounces that Peruvian prosecutor's office criminalizes journalism after opening investigation against him

"The Supreme Prosecutor's Office [of Peru] has initiated a controversial preliminary investigation against Gustavo Gorriti, renowned director of IDL-Reporteros, which has generated an intense debate about freedom of expression and the rights of journalists in the country. Under the direction of the provisional supreme prosecutor Alcides Chinchay, in charge of the Second Transitory Supreme Prosecutor's […]

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Journalist Nelson Castro receives death threats amid wave of drug violence in Rosario, Argentina

"TN journalist Nelson Castro, who was sent as a correspondent to Rosario [Argentina] to cover the wave of drug violence, was threatened with death this morning [March 11] along with his team as soon as he set foot in the city of Santa Fe. 'Tell him that if he reaches Seguí and Oroño we will […]

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Honduran media outlet Reportar Sin Miedo receives threats after publishing investigation

“Article 19 rejects the indirect threats against the Honduran media outlet Reportar Sin Miedo and its journalistic team, after publishing the investigation 'Los nuevos ricos de San Pedro Sula, entre las redes de corrupción y la basura,' (The newly rich of San Pedro Sula, between the networks of corruption and garbage), as well as the […]

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Colombia: Journalist requested protection after Clan del Golfo threats

"Journalist Alberto Henao Peralta denounced a series of threats by members of the Clan del Golfo [an armed narco-paramilitary group in Colombia]. In a video, spread through the X account of Paloma Valencia [Colombian lawyer and senator], the journalist from Sucre indicated that he has had to leave his territory for fear of these threats. […]