
Investigative Journalism

Posts Tagged ‘ Investigative Journalism ’

Salud con Lupa’s first investigative report focused on food and medicine corporations. (Screenshot)

Peruvian journalist launches first collaborative journalism platform on public health in Latin America

Salud con Lupa is the first platform in Latin America dedicated to collaborative journalism covering topics related to public health.

Reuters report

Use of Instagram and WhatsApp for online news consumption grows in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico: Reuters Institute

According to Camarena and Moreno, the Mexican president has implemented a strategy of harassment and disqualification against journalistic media that is causing a polarization of the country's press.

Gustavo Gorriti speaking

Protest in Lima against IDL-Reporteros for Lava Jato investigations is 'repulsive act,' says Gustavo Gorriti

Gorriti considers that the advance of investigations into Operation Car Wash motivated these demonstrations and the acts of harassment against IDL-Reporteros.

Rapper with the words Lava Jato tattooed on his head sitting on a chair

With debut series on Operation Car Wash, new media outlet combines investigative journalism and political satire

The CEO of Plop Contenido believes that Ampli is still in an experimental stage, in which he wants to test the premise that it is possible to produce news content with a humorous footprint.

Cover of IDL Reporteros' report. (Screenshot)

Defense of the journalistic investigation can be more complex than the investigation itself, says journalist Gustavo Gorriti

"To do investigative journalism in Latin America and in other parts of the world has two parts: the first part is about the investigation itself with all its great challenges and the second part, which is not talked about much, is the defense of the investigation, and that is almost as complex or sometimes more than the investigation itself," Peruvian investigative journalist Gustavo Gorriti told the Knight Center.

Plaza Publica logo

Guatemala’s Plaza Pública shares its experience with journalism, safety protocols and investigative methods in new manual

The Guatemalan investigative journalism site Plaza Pública recently launched a journalism and safety protocols manual for journalists that summarizes the lessons of its first six years of existence.