Reporter Néhémie Joseph of Radio Méga was found dead in his car on Oct. 10 in Mirebalais, Haiti, as reported by the Associated Press.
Mirebalais, where Joseph’s body was found, is 37 miles northeast of Port-au-Prince and, according to Le Nouvelliste, is one of the most hectic cities.
The organization also noted that in Brazil, El Salvador, the United States, Guatemala, Mexico and Nicaragua the stigmatization of the media and journalists is on the rise.
The organization also noted that in Brazil, El Salvador, the United States, Guatemala, Mexico and Nicaragua the stigmatization of the media and journalists is on the rise.
La organización también señaló que en Brasil, El Salvador, Estados Unidos, Guatemala, México y Nicaragua “se agrava la estigmatización a medios y periodistas”.
Journalists arrived from the most dangerous states, and where we began to have contact and awareness of how dangerous it was to be a journalist in Mexico and in some regions.
Journalists arrived from the most dangerous states, and where we began to have contact and awareness of how dangerous it was to be a journalist in Mexico and in some regions.
Su asesinato nos impactó también porque vimos que no importa si tienes premios internacionales, por más conocido que seas, todos están en riesgo y, bueno, el asesinato de Javier también, no sé, cada asesinato ha sido difícil.
We’ve compiled a list of well-known fellowships open to journalists around the world, and some in particular meant for Latin American professionals.
Según la investigación de Abraji, Pureza hizo constantes referencias en su programa de radio a presuntas irregularidades cometidas en la administración del exalcalde João Batista Gomes Rodrigues, conocido como Batista Boiadeiro (PTB).
According to Abraji's investigation, Pureza made constant references in his radio program to alleged irregularities committed in the administration of former Mayor João Batista Gomes Rodrigues, known as Batista Boiadeiro (PTB).
According to Abraji's investigation, Pureza made constant references in his radio program to alleged irregularities committed in the administration of former Mayor João Batista Gomes Rodrigues, known as Batista Boiadeiro (PTB).