Montenegro focused on reporting news about the municipality and department through different programs on the station, according to what a colleague of the journalist told FLIP.
Montenegro focused on reporting news about the municipality and department through different programs on the station, according to what a colleague of the journalist told FLIP.
The report is written at a time when long-standing and startup news organizations alike are facing great challenges in terms of financial sustainability and survival.
Los vehículos en Radio TV Ginen fueron incendiados el 10 de junio y el ataque fue denunciado por Rospide antes de su muerte, según AlterPresse.
Vehicles at Radio TV Ginen were set on fire on June 10 and the attack was denounced by Rospide before his death, according to AlterPresse.
Mora and Pineda were set free along with political prisoners and leaders of social demonstrations against the government that began in April 2018.
Mora y Pineda fueron liberados junto a otros presos políticos y líderes de las protestas sociales contra el gobierno que empezaron en abril de 2018.
Por esa denuncia, 22 directivos de las tres publicaciones fueron prohibidos salir del país.
According to the Inter American Press Association (IAPA), 22 executives from the three publications were restricted from leaving Venezuela.
According to the Inter American Press Association (IAPA), 22 executives from the three publications were restricted from leaving Venezuela.
According to the Inter American Press Association (IAPA), 22 executives from the three publications were restricted from leaving Venezuela.
According to Pires, there are many reasons for Google to care about and invest in strengthening journalism globally.