A new decree by the Cuban government regarding internet on the island has raised criticism from independent media and citizens on social networks who point to the risks that the rules could be used to undermine freedom of expression and access to information in the country.
The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) ordered the reopening of the case of journalist Manuel Durán, who said he fled El Salvador in 2006 due to death threats because of his journalistic work.
The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas and four instructors from Brazil’s School of Data are joining forces to bring you the online course in Portuguese “Introduction to data journalism: How to interview data for investigative reports.”
Costa Rican-Nicaraguan journalist Lucía Pineda is one of five women journalists to be honored with the 2019 Courage in Journalism Award from the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF).
Chilean-Venezulean journalist Braulio Jatar Alonso, who has been under house arrest since May 2017 after spending nine months in prison, was freed on July 4.
FLIP felt the need to create a project that would encourage the creation of local information in Colombia. This is how Ruedas Creando Redes was born. It’s a laboratory of mobile journalism that for the next two years will travel to 10 municipalities considered information deserts.
From northwestern Costa Rica, a small bilingual newspaper is using solutions journalism to tell stories of how residents are solving their communities’ problems.
Brazil now has a prize to call its own: the Cláudio Weber Abramo Award for Data Journalism, whose entries were opened on June 27 during the 14th Congress of the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) in São Paulo.
This was the second course on product management offered by the Knight Center. The first, a massive open online course (MOOC), took place in 2017.
This was the second course on product management offered by the Knight Center. The first, a massive open online course (MOOC), took place in 2017.
It is the potential development of this expertise that attracted the venture capitalists, aiming to open new markets and replicate the model in other countries.
It is the potential development of this expertise that attracted the venture capitalists, aiming to open new markets and replicate the model in other countries.