One in five Brazilians live in municipalities that do not have newspapers and local news sites or TV and radio stations. The "news deserts" correspond to just over half of the Brazilian municipalities, where 40 million people that are not served by local news coverage live.
So at a time when government control over the media is increasing and news sites can be blocked or thrown offline, Dariela Sosa and her team decided to launch a newsletter instead. The result was Soy Arepita, a free email newsletter that makes its way to Venezuelans inboxes every morning, just in time for breakfast.
The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) inducted Rosental Alves, founder and director of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, and Alberto Ibargüen, CEO of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, into its Hall of Fame.
When at least seven journalists were threatened in less than a week, alarms rang in the country. The victims of these threats have recognized careers in the country, and in some cases they have been victims of other attacks in the past.
Two Argentinian and one Brazilian journalist are among the recipients of the 2018 Maria Moors Cabot Prize recognizing careers that further inter-American understanding.
The Attorney General’s Office of Ecuador announced the capture of “Cherry,” who they said is the alleged material author of the abduction of the journalistic team from Ecuadorian newspaper El Comercio.
The Guatemalan Minister of Foreign Affairs used a law that protects women from violence to sue a critical journalist and get a judge to order him to refrain from publishing new articles related to her or even approaching the chancellor.
The Knight Center took advantage of the 13th International Congress of the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji), which gathered 750 people from June 28 to 30 in São Paulo, to listen to Latin American journalists speak about mistakes made and lessons learned during several years on the beat. From misguided assumptions to care taken with source protection, they offer lessons for novices and veterans in the field.
Peruvian investigative journalism site IDL-Reporteros received, for the third time this week, a request from judicial and legislative authorities to reveal its journalistic sources after it published a report revealing alleged acts of corruption in the Peruvian judicial system.
The repression and fear that the government of President Rafael Correa (2007 - 2017) imposed on the Ecuadorian media and journalists is apparently coming to an end after the arrival of Lenin Moreno last year,according to a recent report by the Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ).
This is the second case of the Tim Lopes Program for the Protection of Journalists since Abraji launched the initiative in September 2017 to investigate murders, assassination attempts and abductions of media professionals and to continue the reports interrupted by the killers.
Colombian authorities announced the capture of the alleged fourth in command for the Oliver Sinisterra Front who they said was responsible for the custody of the Ecuadorian journalists who were abducted in March, and later killed.