A fire almost completely destroyed the broadcasting equipment of the radio station FM Sapucay on Friday, Nov. 18, in the Argentine community of Santa Rita Misiones on the border with Brazil, according to the Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA in Spanish).
Despite the denouncements of international organizations and charges of kidnapping and torturing two photographers, Chilean security forces continue to crack down on the practice of freedom of expression. On Nov. 21, police intimidated and attacked journalists covering a protest against a tribute to a former member of the military dictatorship, reported the website Opera Mundi.
A court in Ecuador has ratified a six-month prison sentence against a radio broadcaster accused of defaming a doctor two years ago, according to IFEX.
Brazil recently passed its own sunshine law, codifying the right to make freedom of information requests from the government. While the legal battle over the law’s passage is over, many Brazilians are unsure about how to go about making freedom of information requests. The website Queremos Saber (“We Want to Know”) is trying to change that. This pioneering project seeks to facilitate information requests in Brazil and make communication between citizens and public servants more transparent.
Na quarta-feira 23 de novembro, o mundo celebrará pela primeira vez o Dia Internacional Contra a Impunidade, criado para coincidir com o aniversário do massacre de 32 jornalistas em Maguindanao, nas Filipinas, em 23 de novembro de 2009. A iniciativa da Intercâmbio Internacional pela Liberdade de Expressão (IFEX, na sigla em inglês) tem o objetivo de pedir Justiça para todos aqueles assassinados no exercício de seu direito à livre expressão e dar visibilidade ao problema da impunidade, explicou a própria IFE
On Wednesday, Nov. 23, for the first time, the world will recognize the International Day to End Impunity, held to coincide with the anniversary of the Nov. 23, 2009, massacre of 32 journalists in Maguindanao in the southern Philippines. The inaugural day is being organized by the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) as a "call to action to demand justice for those who have been killed for exercising their right to freedom of expression and shed light on the issue of impunity," according to IFEX.
On Nov. 17, electronic equipment and office supplies were stolen from the Venezuelan freedom of expression NGO, Public Space, in the capital city of Caracas, reported the Press and Society Institute.
An Argentine journalist and her assistant both claimed to have received death threats since the beginning of November. The journalists believe the threats are motivated by the up-coming publication of a book investigating Mexican President Felipe Calderón's six-year term, reported Artículo 19.
Familiares de jornalistas assassinados ou desaparecidos e defensores da liberdade de expressão participarão, no dia 10 de dezembro, na Cidade do México, do Fórum Memória de Jornalistas, organizado pelas organizações Repórteres Sem Fronteiras e Centro de Jornalismo e Ética Pública (CEPET, na sigla em espanhol).
The newspaper El Mundo de Córdoba claimed that gunmen fired on their vendors from a truck on Saturday, Nov. 19, in the city of Córdoba, in the Gulf state of Veracruz.
Family members of killed and disappeared journalists and freedom of expression advocates will meet in Mexico City on Dec. 10 to participate in the Journalists Memorial Forum, organized by Reporters Without Borders and the Center for Journalism and Public Ethics (CEPET in Spanish) .
Um locutor de rádio foi esfaqueado e agredido na cidade de El Alto, próxima à La Paz, capital da Bolívia, em 15 de novembro, segundo informações do jornal Crónica Viva.