

Person going through files

Ten years after the access to information law’s approval, Brazil is experiencing ‘stagnation with signs of setback,’ study says

Ten years after the enactment of the Access to Information Law, an analysis by the organization Transparência Brasil says the quality of the federal government’s response to requests for information made between 2019 and 2021 has gotten worse.

the word "Publicidad" printed on a newspaper

State advertising in media should be a technical, not political issue, organizations say in reaction to Peruvian president's position

After statements from Peruvian President Pedro Castillo that he will not give state advertising money to media that misrepresent the facts, several press freedom organizations in the country highlighted that state contracting is the responsibility of the State, not the president. State contracting should not turn into political rewards or punishments.

illustration of women journalists reporting

Sexual harassment is a constant for more than half of women journalists in Venezuela, according to report

The main finding of the report "Sexual harassment against journalists in Venezuela," from the Network of Venezuelan Women Journalists, is that 45 percent of those surveyed claimed to have suffered sexual harassment, bullying or aggression in the workplace. 

Women reporting and fingers pointed at them

In Brazil, women journalists receive more than twice as many insults on Twitter than male colleagues

A new study in Brazil found that women journalists receive more than twice as many insults on their Twitter profiles as their male counterparts. In the survey, it was found that users who launch attacks against journalists try to delegitimize women’s intellectual capacity to exercise the profession and silence the press, point out professionals' physical features to divert attention from the topics addressed and disseminate false information about them.

Journalists protesting censorship

Guatemalan journalists form collective to resist authoritarianism and censorship

Given the recent increase in attacks and harassment of journalists in the Central American country, Prensa Contra la Censura intends to raise awareness among Guatemalans as to the importance of defending independent journalism.

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Science journalism course in Portuguese now available to be taken anytime, from anywhere in the world

“Science Journalism: From pandemic to climate crisis, how to improve science coverage,” is now available as a self-directed course on the Knight Center’s online learning platform, JournalismCourses.org.

Gustavo Gorriti

Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti on sentencing for his abduction: ‘I feel no joy, but I do believe the sentence was fair’

A Peruvian court has sentenced Alberto Fujimori's former presidential adviser, Vladimiro Montesinos, to 17 years in prison for the abduction of Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti in April 1992. The journalist said that, although he believes the sentence to be fair, it ended up being a very long process.

WikiLAI reúne conteúdos explicativos e casos concretos de uso jornalístico da legislação que transformou o acesso a informações públicas no país

Fiquem Sabendo launches platform to facilitate the use of Brazil’s Access to Information Law

Created on the 10th anniversary of the enactment of Brazil’s Access to Information Act, WikiLAI brings together explanatory content as well as cases of how journalists have used the law that transformed access to public information in the country.


Voces en Libertad becomes umbrella news portal for independent media in Nicaragua, according to founders

The online news portal Voces en Libertad was created to fight censorship imposed by Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega. It allows for collaboration among independent news outlets, existing and emerging, so they can continue informing and telling Nicaragua’s stories.

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RedLEAL: Organizations and media come together to form a network for the defense, support and protection of communicators in Latin America

A group of organizations, media, and journalists from the region, have come together to create RedLEAL, Network for the Defense of Freedom of Expression in Latin America. The objective of the group is to establish a solidarity network and give visibility to under-reported cases of violations of freedom of expression in Latin America. 

Primeira pesquisa sobre o perfil racial da imprensa brasileira mostra que redações do país ainda têm um longo caminho a percorrer quando o assunto é diversidade.

Black journalists in Brazil are a minority, rise in profession infrequently and earn less than white colleagues, according to study

The first edition of the Racial Profile of the Brazilian Press shows that Black journalists make up a fifth of the country's newsrooms, despite Black people representing a majority of the population. The unprecedented study also revealed that Black journalists occupy fewer leadership positions and have fewer promotions throughout their career

Minister of the Interior, Juan Carlos Bidegain, delivers the proposal for the Foreign Agents Law to Christian Guevara, head of the ruling party New Ideas

Foreign Agents Law in El Salvador would suffocate independent media outlets and human rights organizations, according to critics

The Salvadoran Legislative Assembly is expected to approve the Foreign Agents Law that would impose a 40 percent tax on all financial transactions of the country’s social and journalistic organizations, mostly critical and independent, which receive funds from abroad.