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Ecuadorian government commits to strengthen press freedom and journalists' safety after meeting with Fundamedios and CPJ

"The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the Ecuadorian government’s commitment to fund and implement mechanisms that will advance press freedom and improve journalist safety in the country, following a meeting with representatives from CPJ and the local press freedom organization Fundamedios on Tuesday, April 18. The government’s secretary of the administration, Sebastián Corral, agreed during […]

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Brazilian Judiciary stipulates fine if Google does not pass on information about threats against journalists

"The [Brazilian] Judiciary determined that Google must pay a daily fine of R$ 100 thousand [about US $20 thousand] if it does not pass on information about e-mails posted on the platform containing death threats to two journalists from the Congresso em Foco news outlet. The Civil Police of the Federal District identified the suspect […]

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Daniel Ortega inaugurates a 'cultural center' in the building he expropriated from La Prensa, Nicaragua's oldest newspaper

"The regime of Daniel Ortega inaugurated this Wednesday [April 19] a state technical education center in the building of the legendary newspaper La Prensa, militarily occupied since August 2021 and whose editorial staff went into exile due to the persecution unleashed against its staff. On Aug. 13, 2021, police patrols stormed the newspaper's premises, seized […]

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Brazil: Jeduca compiles studies on the impact of media coverage of attacks on schools

"As a contribution to the debate on violent attacks against schools, Jeduca [Brazilian Association of Education Journalists] has compiled research from Brazil and other countries, mainly the United States, that analyzes the impacts of media coverage of these events, especially in their dissemination. The topic gained notoriety in recent weeks, due to the attacks on […]

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Mexico: Pío López Obrador sues journalist Carlos Loret de Mola for 11 million dollars

"Carlos Loret de Mora informed that Pío López Obrador sued him and the digital media Latinus for moral and punitive damages, for disclosing videos in which the brother of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is seen receiving envelopes with cash. According to Loret, the President's brother is asking for 200 million [US $11 million dollars] […]

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Newsrooms from Chile, El Salvador, Mexico and Nicaragua were chosen for new Report for the World cohort

“Report for the World today announced the selection of 15 new host newsrooms, more than doubling its global network from eight to 20 countries. Among them are five, independent newsrooms reporting on their home countries in exile. ‘As we expand to 20 countries this year, we have also extended our support to newsrooms operating in […]

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On average, every 60 days the Peruvian Congress proposes a bill against the press or freedom of expression

"In the last few weeks, the Congress of the Republic [Peru] has been preparing two bills that would put at risk journalistic practice and the autonomy of the media. Bill No. 2862/2022 seeks to increase penalties for the crimes of slander and defamation, and thus curb -as detailed in its explanatory memorandum- 'the malpractice carried […]

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Rafael Moreno's assassination in Colombia: Journalists come together to reveal what he was investigating

“'If you have to kill me, go ahead and kill me. But I say it to your face: you won’t silence me.’ Colombian journalist Rafael Moreno defied his detractors and predicted his own demise with these words, spoken in a 37-minute Facebook live on July 21, 2022. […] For more than half an hour, the […]

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Haitian media association demands release of kidnapped TV channel general manager

"The National Association of Haitian Media (ANMH, by its Spanish acronym) demanded the release of Robert Dénis, a former member of its executive board who was kidnapped in the Haitian capital. In a statement released [on April 13] in Port-au-Prince, ANMH expressed its concern for the life of Dénis, currently general manager of the private […]

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Venezuela: Nicolás Maduro uses Artificial Intelligence in his new TV show

"A 'stellar anchor' created with Artificial Intelligence (AI) is part of the new television program of the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, informed the national leader this Monday [April 17] during the first broadcast of the show called with 'Con Maduro +', in which he unveiled Sira. 'Sira, the Artificial Intelligence [anchor], has arrived. There […]