"On Tuesday [Oct. 31], [Brazil's] Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP, for its acronym in Portuguese) launched an exclusive channel for reporting violence against journalists and communicators in the exercise of their profession. The records will be received by the Observatory of Violence against Journalists and Social Communicators, which is coordinated by the National […]
"Rhiza Castro, a former Record News presenter, recorded a video in which she revealed that she had been harassed by a director at the station. The journalist said that two days after making the complaint to HR, she ended up being dismissed from the company. According to her, the director is married and his wife […]
"Council member Carlão (PT or Workers' Party), from Cocal, 270 km [160 miles] north of Teresina, who was filmed assaulting broadcaster Godofredo Brito, will be summoned to testify," said police chief Mayson Soares, this Tuesday (Oct. 24), to g1. None of those involved could be reached for comment. In the images, recorded by the passenger […]
"Politicians, political opponents and journalists, among other people, were illegally monitored by a group of officials from the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin, by its Portuguese acronym), according to a Federal Police investigation revealed on Friday [Oct. 20]. The investigation, known as 'Operation Last Mile,' is carrying out arrest warrants against two Abin employees, as well […]
"Former President Jair Bolsonaro has been irrevocably sentenced by the São Paulo Court of Justice to pay a collective compensation of 50 thousand reais [about US $10 thousand] to journalists for moral damages. The lawsuit was filed by the Union of Professional Journalists of the State of São Paulo (SJSP, for its acronym in Portuguese), […]
"The organization of the Vladimir Herzog Amnesty and Human Rights Award announced the winners of its 45th edition this Tuesday (Oct. 10). The judging session was held at Espaço Vladimir Herzog, at the Journalists Union of São Paulo, with broadcast live on social media. The awards ceremony will be on Oct. 24, at 8pm, at […]
"Justice and climate change and data for human rights investigations are some of the topics that will be debated in the 8th edition of the Brazilian Conference on Data Journalism and Digital Methods (Coda.Br), in addition to hands-on workshops that address the use of artificial intelligence and automations in journalism; gender, race and inequality, elections […]
"Andreza Matais, executive editor of the Estadão newspaper in Brasília, had her account hacked on Gov.BR, the Brazilian federal government website that brings together services for citizens. The fraudsters changed the journalist's password and demanded money in order not to reveal her fiscal data. Before the hacking, the journalist was attacked on social media for […]
"The courts have condemned the mayor of Oriximiná (Park, Brazil), Delegado Fonseca, for assaulting a journalist in a public place with a kick and a punch, and damaging the journalist's cell phone as a result. The incident took place in June last year. Judge José Gomes de Araújo Filho handed down the first-degree sentence in […]
"The increase in cases of judicial harassment against journalists and other attacks on communicators led ten institutions to sign an agreement and a work plan, starting immediately, against violations of press freedom at a national level. Signed this Thursday (Sept. 21) at the headquarters of the Brazilian Press Association (ABI, for its acronym in Portuguese), […]
"Judge George Alves de Assis, of the [Brazilian state of] Bahia's Court of Justice, ordered on Thursday (Sept. 14) the removal of a report published by The Intercept Brasil about the struggle of quilombo leaders [descendants of emancipated slave communities] Mãe Bernadete and her son, Binho. [...] In the censored report, The Intercept Brasil provided context […]
The 15 winners of the 17th Mulher IMPRENSA Trophy, an initiative coordinated by news outlet IMPRENSA, include for the first time two Indigenous women. The awards will be presented at a ceremony to be held on Sept. 28 in São Paulo, Brazil. Luciene Kaxinawá, the first Indigenous journalist on Brazilian television, won in the "Regionality: […]