Laboratorio de Historias Poderosas, or the Powerful Stories Laboratory, was born in early 2021 as a means of expanding traditional media narratives to include women and LGBTQ+ people in coverage.
This story was originally published by the Reuter's Institute at the University of Oxford and has been republished here with permission. The pandemic has worsened the economic outlook for many news publishers. At the same time, it has afforded an opportunity to diversify revenue streams by offering service journalism and editorial products more directly connected to readers’ […]
Twenty one media outlets from nine countries in Latin America will benefit from US $2 million as part of the Google News Initiative (GNI) Innovation Challenge to improve operations, strengthen business models, create new products and more. “Innovating, essentially, is developing creative and transformative processes and exploring new approaches to change the way an organization […]
The media outlet, which today consists of 12 people and is based in Bogotá, describes itself as a "digital movement of citizen conversation,” which invites the public to speak, understand and act on the most pressing problems facing Colombian society.
Globally, trust in the news grew six percentage points and reached 44 percent, according to the 2021 Digital News Report, by the Reuters Institute. In the six Latin American countries investigated, however, general trust in the news is lower, reaching an average of 40.5 percent. In the region, confidence is lowest in Argentina and Chile (36%) and highest in Brazil (54%).
More than 20 years after journalist Jineth Bedoya was attacked, the Colombian State is judged by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. National and international media are paying close attention to the court's decision due to its implications for freedom of expression and women journalists in the region.
The information on the profile of journalists killed in the last decade in the four countries of the region with protection mechanisms makes clear the need to strengthen them. The data was obtained during the development of the project 'In Danger– Analysis of journalist protection programs in Latin America' carried out by RSF with the support of Unesco.
The first stage of collaboration is the interactive map, called Repression and Death in the Streets of Colombia, which was launched on May 9. The platform allows the viewer to see several videos of police violence, categorized according to date and geolocation.
The global press freedom ranking by NGO Reporters Without Borders (RSF) confirmed a perceived trend in Latin America: a general worsening of conditions for the exercise of journalism on the continent. Of the 24 countries in the region analyzed, 19 lost points in the RSF survey.
Red Tejiendo Historias, or The Story Weaving Network, is geared at connecting non-Indigenous journalists, Indigenous journalists, and Indigenous communities to build a more robust conversation about coverage of peoples native to the American continent.
Panel on sexual orientation of the First Latin American Conference on Diversity in Journalism, talks about sexual diversity in journalism as the intersection between gender, race and social class.
In what has been cataloged by various experts as "re-victimizing,” "unprecedented," and even "shameful," the Colombian State withdrew from a virtual hearing held by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (I/A Court H.R.) regarding the abduction, torture and sexual assault of Colombian journalist Jineth Bedoya Lima in 2000. “The criminals have wanted to silence me […]