
Violence Against Journalists

Posts Tagged ‘ Violence Against Journalists ’

Women Journalists and Freedom of Expression report cover

Violence against women journalists increases in the Americas, according to the IACHR

Women journalists are "twice as likely to be victims of violence" in the Americas for exercising their right to freedom of expression and for reasons of gender.

Emilio Gutiérrez Soto

U.S. immigration judge denies asylum to Mexican journalist for a second time

A U.S. immigration judge has again denied asylum for a Mexican journalist who fled his country a decade ago out of fear for his life.

Portada informe sobre impunidad en crímenes contra periodistas de la organización

With 99% impunity for crimes against journalists, organization says Mexican justice system is flawed

The worrisome figures of violence against the press in Mexico – pointed out by various organizations as one of the most dangerous countries to practice journalism – become even more dramatic when taking into account levels of impunity in those cases.


Exiled in Costa Rica, Carlos Chamorro talks about how journalists are adapting to conditions of insecurity in Nicaragua

For journalist Carlos Fernando Chamorro, who left Nicaragua in January and is now working from exile in Costa Rica, getting used to working in conditions of physical and legal insecurity has been a challenge.

Sergio Ramírez Foto- Centro Knight

Nicaragua could bet on a 'journalism of the digital catacombs' in light of current crisis: Sergio Ramírez

Ramírez proposed the idea of a “journalism of the digital catacombs” during a conversation with students and others that was organized by the Knight Center

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Increased internet access and insecurity for journalists among media trends in Latin America, according to UNESCO

The report analyzes trends in the region and how they affect freedom of expression, pluralism and media independence, as well as the safety of journalists.


Attacks against journalists in Brazil increase over last year, according to Fenaj

The cases of aggression against journalists in Brazil grew 36.7 percent between 2017 and 2018, according to a recent report from the National Federation of Journalists (Fenaj). There were 135 incidents of violence with 227 victims, according to the organization.

53 Journalists Killed map

As murders of journalists rise globally, Mexico leads Latin America for media workers killed in 2018

Mexico continues to be the deadliest country for journalists worldwide that is not engaged in armed conflict. This was one of the conclusions of various press freedom organizations as 2018 comes to a close.