This was the second course on product management offered by the Knight Center. The first, a massive open online course (MOOC), took place in 2017.
This was the second course on product management offered by the Knight Center. The first, a massive open online course (MOOC), took place in 2017.
It is the potential development of this expertise that attracted the venture capitalists, aiming to open new markets and replicate the model in other countries.
It is the potential development of this expertise that attracted the venture capitalists, aiming to open new markets and replicate the model in other countries.
A group of congress members defended the cameraman, an event in which the congresswoman Nora Bracho was hit, Efecto Cocuyo added.
Greenwald, his family and part of The Intercept Brasil team have been the target of online threats since the first report of the series was published, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).
La mayor parte de las 10 personas que forman el equipo del sitio tienen otros empleos además de Ponte. Esto es porque la receta del sitio todavía no permite la remuneración integral de todo el equipo y de los colaboradores externos.
His vehicle was found abandoned on a farm in another province in the north of the country, the media outlet said.
A majority of the 10 people working for the site have other jobs besides Ponte. That's because the site's revenue still does not allow full pay for the entire team and occasional collaborators.
"Making journalism is not cheap. We get specific incentives to move forward, but our biggest challenge is getting people to understand that our outlet is important and so it needs to survive."
Según Camarena y Moreno, el presidente mexicano implementó una estrategia de acoso y descalificación contra los medios periodísticos que está causando una polarización de la prensa del país.
According to Camarena and Moreno, the Mexican president has implemented a strategy of harassment and disqualification against journalistic media that is causing a polarization of the country's press.