

Caracas, Venezuela

Media outlets taken off air, social networks blocked and journalists attacked during day of demonstrations in Venezuela

At least three media outlets were taken off the air and 14 journalists were hit by pellets, beaten or suffered other aggressions while carrying out their work during a tense day in Venezuela

Raquel Dodge

In unprecedented report, government reports 64 communicators killed in last 20 years in Brazil

Between 1995 and 2018, 64 communicators – journalists, broadcasters and bloggers – were murdered in Brazil because of their profession. In half of those cases, those responsible were identified and a complaint was filed by the public prosecutor’s office

Velocidad logo

New fund launched to 'accelerate' independent digital media in Latin America with financing and advising

At a time when journalism is subject to various threats in Latin America, independent media require not only sufficient funding, but also encouragement and guidance from other organizations that have tried successful formulas.

Salvador Camarena (L) and Daniel Moreno (R) present at the 12th Iberian-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism.

López Obrador creates polarization with attacks on the press and little transparency, say Mexican journalists

With little more than four months in power, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has implemented a strategy of harassment and disqualification against media that is causing a polarization of the press in that country, according to journalists Salvador Camarena and Daniel Moreno.

Dave Winer Featured Image

Blogging pioneer calls out journalists’ handling of the tech industry at 20th annual ISOJ

After a chorus of The Beatles’ uplifting tune “Yellow Submarine” filled the room, Dave Winer, one of the early leaders of blogging and editor of the Scripting News weblog, proceeded to chastise the news media at 20th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 13.

ISOJ Conferece

Membership and subscriptions can help fund journalism, ISOJ conference hears

Making money from journalism is hard. That was the general takeaway from the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) panel “Subscriptions and memberships: Reinventing the relationship with your audience” April 12.

Selymar Colón (Erika Rich-Knight Center)

‘Lightning round’ at ISOJ focuses on funding for Latin American media, online harassment, spatial journalism and more

archives courtesy of their local reporting. Wrapping up the lightning round at ISOJ was Selymar Colón, vice president and editor-in-chief for Digital News at Univision. She made a passionate and fun plea for journalists to shoot video vertically with their smartphones instead of horizontally.

Four people on a panel at ISOJ

ISOJ panelists discuss the importance and challenges of integrating artificial intelligence with journalism

When we are talking about artificial intelligence in journalism, we need to talk about the human-centered aspect, said Nick Diakopoulos, assistant professor in Communication Studies and Computer Science at Northwestern University on April 13 at the 20th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ).

Panel of five people at ISOJ

Online journalism can prosper if the focus on local news is genuine, ISOJ panel suggests

Local journalism would benefit from more focus on filling in coverage gaps and building strong relationships with readers, according to panelists at the International Symposium on Online Journalism on April 13.

Reveal’s editor-in-chief Matt Thompson: There’s a lot to unlearn from the 'Golden Age'

The last keynote speaker of ISOJ 2019, Matt Thompson, said that while there is much to learn from the “Golden Age” of the press, there is a whole lot to unlearn as well.

Panel of five people at ISOJ

Covering a Twitter president means expect the unexpected, White House journalists tell ISOJ crowd

Four White House correspondents representing four media closed out the 20th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 13 with a discussion about covering the unpredictable nature of President Donald Trump in the Twitter age.

Panel of five people at ISOJ

Covering a Twitter president means expect the unexpected, White House journalists tell ISOJ crowd

Four White House correspondents representing four media closed out the 20th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 13 with a discussion about covering the unpredictable nature of President Donald Trump in the Twitter age.