Pero en la mañana del 4 de junio, los periodistas y miembros de la oposición se abrieron paso a través de las puertas y en contra de los miembros de la GNB.
But on the morning of June 4, journalists and opposition members forced their way through the gates and past members of the GNB.
Jota y Verificado fueron reconocidos junto a otros ocho productos periodísticos durante el Congreso del World News Media en Glasgow, Escocia, el 2 de junio.
Jota and Verificado were recognized along with eight other news products during the World News Media Congress in Glasgow, Scotland on June 2.
Jota and Verificado were recognized along with eight other news products during the World News Media Congress in Glasgow, Scotland on June 2.
Turati habla también de la importancia de ponerle lógica a la violencia y comenzar a hacer no solamente las crónicas del horror sino también encontrar patrones, cosas que puedan ayudar a la gente.
Turati also stresses the importance of showing the logic behind the violence, and not only publishing horror stories but trying to find patterns to it, insights that can help people.
Turati also stresses the importance of showing the logic behind the violence, and not only publishing horror stories but trying to find patterns to it, insights that can help people.
A Paraguayan journalist for the newspaper ABC Color was sued for calumnia and defamation by a lawmaker who the reporter said participated in an attempt to bribe him so that he’d stop investigating a story.
An independent report found that news shows offered on U.S. government-funded Radio Televisión Martí, which produces news for and about Cuba, were “peppered with bad journalism” as well as being “ineffective propaganda.”
The Attorney General of Colombia ordered the detention of a former hitman it linked to the 1986 murder of journalist and editor of newspaper El Espectador, Guillermo Cano Isaza.
Robson Giorno, owner of online newspaper O Maricá in the city of the same name in the state of Rio de Janeiro, was shot three times and killed outside his house on May 25.