

isoj 2020 logo

Covering the 2020 U.S. election: Reporters from national media will discuss campaign trail challenges at the 21st ISOJ

Reporters on the front lines of election coverage face a myriad of new challenges created by digital media. They work hard to keep voters accurately informed at a time of information overload, disinformation, misinformation.

RESEARCH: How country regime type can translate to a dangerous environment for journalists

As democracy has weakened globally over the last quarter century, local authoritarians became the chief threat to journalists, a condition many Latin Americans will recognize.


Independent journalists face social polarization after the departure of former President Evo Morales

Polarization persists in Bolivia after former leftist President Evo Morales resigned and fled the country and conservative politician Jeanine Áñez declared herself interim president. Journalists are finding themselves caught in the middle.

Ricardo Kirschbaum

Newspapers in Argentina with paywalls achieved good results among loyal readers, but strive to win new audiences

Argentine newspapers were late in the trend of the world press to implement paywalls to limit access to content to readers who pay for information. Clarín, a pioneer in the country, launched its digital subscription system just in 2017. For comparison, the Reforma group, from Mexico, was the first in Latin America to adopt the paywall, in […]

Material do projeto EducaMídia, de educação midiática

Brazilian projects for media literacy and combating false news find allies outside journalism

Brazilian media literacy and anti-disinformation projects decided to leave newsrooms and seek allies outside the journalistic bubble, with courses for digital influencers, teachers and students, employees of the Judiciary and companies in the most varied sectors, from banks to health plans. Many of these projects, which have emerged in recent years, start from the basis […]

First keynote speakers announced for ISOJ 2020: The Guardian’s editor-in-chief and The New York Times’ chairman

The in-person component of the 21st ISOJ has been canceled. Both The Guardian and The New York Times have been celebrating important milestones of success in the last months, as global newspapers that have found success in the digital era. Their stories will help set the tone for the two days of the 21st ISOJ, the International Symposium on Online Journalism, at the University of Texas at Austin from April 24 to 25, 2020.

Registration for the 21st ISOJ now open: Sign up now and take advantage of early-bird rates

Journalists, media executives, scholars and news enthusiasts from around the world are invited to register for the 21st International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ).

Projeto Voces Expertas logo

Ecuadorian journalists create directory of women experts to encourage diversity of sources in the press

Journalists Isabela Ponce and María Sol Borja, from the Ecuadorian website GK, developed a digital platform called Voces Expertas, to bring together women experts with the aim of increasing the presence of women among journalistic sources in Latin America. Any woman can register with the system, which has been receiving applications for three weeks and is due to launch in […]

Glenn Greenwald

Brazilian prosecutors charge Glenn Greenwald after reporting on leaked messages; journalist says it’s ‘an attack on free press'

 U.S. journalist Glenn Greenwald was charged by the Federal Public Prosecutor (MPF, for its acronym in Portuguese) for alleged involvement with hackers who accessed messages exchanged through the Telegram application by various authorities

Course on freedom of expression for judicial operators in Ibero-America opens applications for the 2020 edition

The 2020 edition of the course “International Legal Framework of freedom of expression, access to public information and protection of journalists” opens applications to all magistrates, judges and judicial operators in Ibero-America.

Lydia Cacho

Man convicted for torture of Mexican journalist Lydia Cacho will serve more than five years in prison

Juan Sánchez Moreno, who was commander of the Attorney General's Office of the state of Puebla, was convicted on Jan. 15 for the crime of torture against Mexican journalist Lydia Cacho, which occurred in 2005

Jair Bolsonaro

Attacks on the press in Brazil rise 54% in 2019, according to Fenaj report

Attacks against media outlets and journalists in Brazil increased by 54 percent in 2019, compared to the previous year, according to general data from the report of the National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ)