

Posts Tagged ‘ Collaboration ’

Report for the World art

Report for the World global program expands its presence in Latin America to boost environmental and corruption investigations

Quinto Elemento Lab, Conexión Migrante, Agência Pública and ((o))eco are some of the new media partners of the Report for the World journalist support program. In its first year of operation in Brazil, it managed to boost journalistic coverage of issues related to the Amazon region.

Computer showing some of the Latinográficas graphic pieces

Third edition of El Surti's Latinográficas will address climate change and teach how to hack algorithms to benefit visual journalism

The third edition of Latinográficas, El Surti's learning and collaboration program designed to boost visual journalism in Latin America, will address misinformation and violence around climate change and will include a segment on how to flip digital platform algorithms in favor of content.

Artificial Intelligence and Collaboration art

Latin America has a presence in global initiatives linking artificial intelligence and journalism

Argentine-based journalists were selected to participate in a program on how to cover the impact of algorithms on society, while news outlets from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Paraguay are participating in a collaborative challenge to develop artificial intelligence tools to enhance the work of journalists.

Screen shot of a zoom call with participant faces on top and a map of the tip of South America in the bottom

Network of fact-checking trainers created to bridge the training gap in Latin American universities

The Argentine organization Chequeado, with the support of Google News Initiative, invited news organizations Verificado (from Mexico), Colombia Check (from Colombia), Convoca and Ojo Público (both from Peru) to form a 'Latin American network of fact-checking trainers' and thus make up for the lack of fact-checking-oriented courses in university journalism curricula in Latin America.

Pile of documents and artificial intelligence icons

Latin American and U.S. newsrooms seek to democratize use of artificial intelligence to analyze large amounts of public documents

A team of professionals from La Nación, Ojo Público, CLIP, and MuckRock developed a prototype tool that seeks to facilitate the use of machine learning and natural language processing for the analysis and classification of documents for journalists without extensive programming knowledge.

Fact-checking panel at Coloquio Iberoamericano

Collaboration among fact-checkers has made a difference during recent disinformation crises, said fact-checkers from Latin America and Spain

Collaboration among notable fact-checking organizations from Latin America and Spain has made possible important global data verification initiatives such as LATAMChequea, #CoronaVirusFacts Alliance and, more recently, #UkraineFacts.

Fundadores da Headline Mario Camera, Andrei Netto (em pé), Felipe Paiva, Deborah Berlinck, Danilo Rocha Lima (sentados). Foto cortesia

Franco-Brazilian newstech receives €700,000 investment for independent journalism monetization platform

Headline news startup intends to transfer up to 70% of its total revenue — through subscriptions and content licensing — to journalists and independent organizations present on the platform.

Disinformation panel speakers

Collaboration, technology and proximity to the public are weapons of Latin American journalists to fight disinformation

Betting on collaborative journalism, re-establishing a connection with the public, and incorporating the use of technology are among the effective measures presented by the panelists of “How journalism has reacted to waves of disinformation,” from the webinar “Journalism in Times of Polarization and Disinformation in Latin America."

Marcelle Chagas: coordenadora da Rede de Jornalistas pela Diversidade. Foto: cortesia

Collaboration, training and information: Network brings together Black journalists in search of greater representation in communications

The mission of the Network of Journalists for Diversity in Communication is to increase the representation of Black journalists in Brazilian media. Formed in 2018, initially through a group on WhatsApp to share job opportunities among Black journalists, the network has evolved to establish partnerships with human resources companies and international organizations and now has more than 200 journalists.

Fiquem Sabendo Lei de Acesso à Informação Jornalismo

How a journalism agency specializing in Brazil’s Freedom of Information Act managed to get 27 years of pension payments released

Seventy stories and still counting. This is the main result of an ongoing struggle waged since 2017 for the disclosure of all pension and retirement payments from the Brazilian government. On the front line is Fiquem Sabendo, a journalism agency specializing in the country’s Freedom of Information Act.

Person at a computer looking at the Black Adnet website

Brazilian Black media create Black Adnet, a network to attract advertisers, generate extra revenue and strengthen independent journalism

Black Adnet is a network of 26 independent digital media outlets spread across Brazil, with a total audience of 2.5 million unique users per month, that aims to connect major brands with collectives and media outlets

Print screen do mapa de violencia policial

Cerosetenta, Bellingcat and Forensic Architecture come together to map police violence and reconstruct crimes during protests in Colombia

The first stage of collaboration is the interactive map, called Repression and Death in the Streets of Colombia, which was launched on May 9. The platform allows the viewer to see several videos of police violence, categorized according to date and geolocation.