
Freedom of Expression

Posts Tagged ‘ Freedom of Expression ’

Nicaragua, El Salvador webinar on Zoom

Journalism in Nicaragua and El Salvador: persistence amid government hostility

Carlos Fernando Chamorro, director of the magazine Confidencial in Nicaragua, and Carlos Dada, cofounder of El Faro in El Salvador, talked with María Teresa Ronderos, director for CLIP, about journalism in the face of hostile governments during the 13th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism.

Catarina Carvalho, Gumersindo Lafuente, Pilar Velasco e Virginia Alonso

COVID-19 pandemic intensifies media crisis in Portugal and Spain

As it did in Latin America, COVID-19 has a strong impact on the media outlets in Portugal and Spain, with a drastic reduction in advertising, and cuts to staff and salary.

Desinfodemia COVID 19

UNESCO published two reports in Spanish to understand and tackle disinformation about COVID-19

UNESCO published two policy reports in Spanish to understand and respond to the 'infodemic': the disinformation pandemic about COVID-19 that has circulated at a speed impossible to control. 

Julia Gavarrete

NGOs call for authorities to investigate the computer theft of Salvadoran journalist

Various nongovernmental organizations have denounced the act against the journalist Julia Gavarrete of the magazine GatoEncerrado and have asked for an investigation into the theft, however, the president of that nation has made light of the situation.

Bianca Santana apresentou denúncia de 19 organizações à contra o presidente Jair Bolsonaro por ataques a mulheres jornalistas. Foto: reprodução

Bolsonaro and his ministers have made 54 attacks on women journalists since the beginning of the administration

Brazilian journalist Bianca Santos filed a complaint July 7 with the United Nations Human Rights Commission against President Jair Bolsonaro. Nineteen nongovernmental organizations subscribed to the complaint.

Webinar “Legal challenges for the protection of freedom of expression in times of COVID-19.”

Experts discuss freedom of expression during COVID-19 during Knight Center, UNESCO and Rapporteur webinar

Edison Lanza, Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the IACHR; Ricardo Pérez Manrique, judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; Joan Barata, Spanish expert; and Guilherme Canela, head of UNESCO's section on Freedom of Expression and Security of Journalists talked during the webinar “Legal challenges for the protection of freedom of expression in times of COVID-19.”

Marcela Turati

‘We are a profession that has had to organize to resist,’ Mexican journalist Marcela Turati, Maria Moors Cabot Prize winner

Journalists arrived from the most dangerous states, and where we began to have contact and awareness of how dangerous it was to be a journalist in Mexico and in some regions.

Jefferson Pureza

Man sentenced to 14 years in prison for involvement in murder of Brazilian radio host

According to Abraji's investigation, Pureza made constant references in his radio program to alleged irregularities committed in the administration of former Mayor João Batista Gomes Rodrigues, known as Batista Boiadeiro (PTB).

Hands holding different instruments of journalism and breaking a chain

19 independent Cuban media outlets publish joint declaration demanding more protection and respect for the press from government

The independent press also urged the government, for the first time, according to 14yMedio, for the repeal of laws that infringe on the right to freedom of expression and the legalization of independent media.

Woman handing a letter to man

UNESCO and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights join forces to strengthen freedom of expression in the region

This Plan of Action “aims to create a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers around the world,” according to the statement.