
Violence Against Journalists

Posts Tagged ‘ Violence Against Journalists ’

Jineth Bedoya

Case of Colombian journalist Jineth Bedoya will be heard by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

The Colombian State will be judged by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case of the abduction, torture and sexual violence against journalist Jineth Bedoya Lima 19 years ago.

Gustavo Gorriti speaking

Protest in Lima against IDL-Reporteros for Lava Jato investigations is 'repulsive act,' says Gustavo Gorriti

Gorriti considers that the advance of investigations into Operation Car Wash motivated these demonstrations and the acts of harassment against IDL-Reporteros.

Camera taking a photo

What is the Mexican media’s role in the midst of multiple murders and mayhem?

Turati also stresses the importance of showing the logic behind the violence, and not only publishing horror stories but trying to find patterns to it, insights that can help people.

Salvador Camarena (L) and Daniel Moreno (R) present at the 12th Iberian-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism.

López Obrador creates polarization with attacks on the press and little transparency, say Mexican journalists

With little more than four months in power, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has implemented a strategy of harassment and disqualification against media that is causing a polarization of the press in that country, according to journalists Salvador Camarena and Daniel Moreno.

TV Globo reporter Carlos de Lannoy received a death threat after his report aired on Sunday (Apr. 07). (Screenshot).

Brazilian journalists receive death threats after publishing reports critical of the Armed Forces

In less than four days, two Brazilian journalists received death threats through social networks after publishing reports critical of the country's past and present Armed Forces.

Representatives in Brazilian Congress (Photo PMDB Nacional- Flickr)

Bills in Brazilian Congress propose classification of violence against journalists as heinous crime

In Brazil, one of the ten countries with the highest rate of impunity in crimes against journalists worldwide, three bills underway in Congress propose to toughen the criminal treatment of perpetrators of violence against journalists and press professionals.

IACHR logo

Latin American electoral processes fomented hostility against the press: annual report from the IACHR

Journalists and media from countries that had elections in 2018, such as Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay, Colombia and El Salvador, confronted situations of violence and censorship.

Jesús Hiram Moreno

Mexican journalist under federal protection mechanism survives shooting in Oaxaca

A Mexican journalist receiving protection from the government is alive after being shot twice in the state of Oaxaca.

Television journalist Gabriel Hernández

Threatened TV journalist shot in Honduras is the first communicator murdered in country this year

Journalist Gabriel Hernández was killed on March 17 in the Valle department in southern Honduras, according to local media reports.

Journalist Santiago Barroso

Mexican radio journalist killed in the state of Sonora is fourth journalist killed in country this year

Journalist and radio host Santiago Barroso was killed in the doorway to his home in the Mexican state of Sonora on the night of March 15.