Júlio Lubianco studied journalism at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). He began his career on the local desk at Jornal do Brasil, in 2003. He was a reporter, assignment editor and managing editor at Rádio CBN. He has a Master’s degree in media and communication from the London School of Economics (LSE), with a scholarship from the Journalists of Vision program. He is a professor of journalism at PUC-Rio. He won the Imprensa Embratel award in 2007, the Alexandre Adler award in 2008, and is a two-time winner of the Tim Lopes Award for Investigative Journalism, in 2009 and 2014.
Júlio Lubianco estudió periodismo en la Universidad Federal Fluminense (UFF). Comenzó la carrera en 2003, en el diario Jornal do Brasil. Fue reportero, editor y editor ejecutivo en Rádio CBN. Hizo su maestría en medios de comunicación en London School of Economics (LSE), becado por el programa Jornalistas de Visão. Es profesor del curso de periodismo de PUC-Rio y es presentador del podcast de BRIO, que trata sobre periodismo, carrera, mercado y tecnología. Ganó los premios Imprensa Embratel (2007), Alexandre Adler (2008), y en dos oportunidades el Tim Lopes de Periodismo Investigativo (2009 y 2014).
Júlio Lubianco estudou jornalismo na Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Começou a carreira em 2003, no caderno Cidade do Jornal do Brasil. Foi repórter, chefe de reportagem e gerente de jornalismo na Rádio CBN. Fez mestrado em mídia e comunicação na London School of Economics (LSE), com bolsa do programa Jornalistas de Visão. É professor do curso de jornalismo da PUC-Rio e apresenta o podcast do BRIO, que discute jornalismo, carreira, mercado e tecnologia. Venceu os prêmios Imprensa Embratel, em 2007, o Alexandre Adler, em 2008, e duas vezes o Tim Lopes de Jornalismo Investigativo, em 2009 e 2014.
The Brazilian documentary “A Verdade da Mentira” (The Truth of the Lie) follows the work of several professionals who worked to combat disinformation during the 2018 presidential election to understand how this kind of content spreads.
The traditional Vladimir Herzog Award disqualified one of the photography finalists after a complaint from an indigenous organization, which claimed that the image was not authorized. The journalist defended his work and said he showed human rights of indigenous peoples were being violated.
New association of journalists wants to bring together product professionals working in newsrooms around the world to exchange experiences, establish partnerships and accelerate the adoption of the product mentality among journalists.
Brazilian research developed an analysis model that assesses the impact of journalists' working conditions on the quality of information published. The study was chosen as the best doctoral thesis of the year by the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Journalism.
Pesquisa brasileira desenvolve modelo de análise que avalia impacto das condições de trabalho dos jornalistas com a qualidade da informação publicada. O estudo foi escolhido como melhor tese de doutorado do ano pela Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo.
Research with readers from Latin American countries indicates that the decision to pay for news is associated with the independence and transparency of the news outlet and suggests that digital media should better communicate these values to their potential audience.
On Sept. 16, Natalia Zuccolillo, the director of the Paraguayan newspaper ABC Color, and journalist Juan Carlos Lezcano will go to trial and could be sentenced to prison and pay a $1.4 million fine – a move that has alarmed organizations and press freedom advocates.
Officials of the city of Rio organize to block journalists from carrying out their work in front of health units. Organizations denounce the systematic efforts against press freedom.
The Brazilian president's threat of physical violence against a journalist who asked him a question puts the conflictual relationship that he has had with the press since before becoming president on a different level, according to press freedom organizations.
A ameaça de violência física do presidente brasileiro, Jair Bolsonaro, contra um repórter que lhe fez uma pergunta coloca em outro patamar a conflituosa relação que o mandatário mantém com a imprensa desde antes de se tornar presidente. A avaliação é de entidades de defesa da liberdade de imprensa no Brasil.