LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections and the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin will host a webinar on polarization, disinformation and the role of the press in protecting democracy and freedom of expression in the region.
“Product Strategies for Journalism: How to align editorial, audience, business and technology” is available as a self-directed course in English, Spanish and Portuguese on the JournalismCourses.org online learning platform!
The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas is offering a new online course on the fundamentals of audio storytelling, from finding a focus, to writing and interviewing, to voice performance.
The Knight Center and the Brazilian Serrapilheira Institute are teaming up to offer a free online course in Portuguese, “Science Journalism: From pandemic to climate crisis, how to improve science coverage.”
“Introduction to data journalism: How to find and process large volumes of information” is now available to take for free, at any time, as a self-directed course on the JournalismCourses.org online platform.
“Product Strategies for Journalism: How to align editorial, audience, business and technology,” began on Aug. 23, but there’s still time to register and catch up!
ISOJ 2022 will take place from April 1 - 2, 2022, in person at the University of Texas at Austin and with the same innovative and interactive streaming online that made the conference a big, global success in 2020 and 2021.
The latest Big Online Course (BOC) from the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas will show you how to dig through key digital assets to gain a clearer picture of the people you’re researching.
There’s still time to register for the Knight Center’s introductory course on data journalism and catch up with video lessons and course material.
The massive open online course (MOOC), “Product Strategies for Journalism: How to align editorial, audience, business and technology,” runs from Aug. 23 to Sept. 19, 2021 and will be taught simultaneously in three languages by three different instructors: Adriana Lacy (English), Mariano Blejman (Spanish) and Paty Gomes (Portuguese).