

Banner for newsletter course

Online course on launching a newsletter now available to take at any time on Knight Center platform

The course “Newsletter strategies for journalists: How to create, grow & monetize newsletters” teaches how to launch and maintain a newsletter through a standard product life cycle. It is now available online as a self-directed course.

El Periodismo en Pandemia book on a map of Argentina

Attacks on journalists grew 41% in 2020 in Argentina and are more spread across the country: FOPEA

After two years of relative stability, attacks on journalists jumped 41 percent in Argentina last year and reached 82 incidents. In 2019, 58 attacks were recorded, while there were 51 in 2018. Data are from the 2020 Monitoring of Freedom of Expression Report, from the Forum of Argentine Journalists (FOPEA, for its acronym in Spanish).

Person on a laptop with a credit card in hand

Chilean payment platform Reveniu helps independent and local media outlets bring in more money

The Reveniu payment platform, which the Chilean journalist Miguel Paz devised to facilitate donations and monetary contributions to start-ups and independent media, has been operating publicly for one year this May.

Photos of journalists killed in Mexico with fake blood on them

In four deadliest countries for the press in Latin America, these are the journalists killed, where they worked and what they covered

The information on the profile of journalists killed in the last decade in the four countries of the region with protection mechanisms makes clear the need to strengthen them. The data was obtained during the development of the project 'In Danger– Analysis of journalist protection programs in Latin America' carried out by RSF with the support of Unesco.

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How can journalists improve coverage of the COVID-19 vaccines? Knight Center offers free, self-directed online course

Journalists who want to best inform the public about the vaccines and combat disinformation surrounding them can now take “Covering the COVID-19 vaccine: What journalists need to know” for free, online and at their own pace.

Nicaraguan flag

Nicaraguan police raid Confidencial’s newsroom for second time

In a new assault on the Nicaraguan press, this May 20 the government of Daniel Ortega raided for the second time the editorial office of magazine Confidencial, founded by journalist Carlos Fernando Chamorro, at the same time that it arrested different international journalists who they covered the incident. A cameraman for the media outlet remains missing.

Candidatos a la presidencia de Perú, Pedro Castillo y Keiko Fujimori.

Dismissal of news director of Peru's main television stations worsens credibility crisis in the press during polarized elections

After nine years in her position, Colombian journalist Clara Elvira Ospina was fired as journalistic director of América TV and Canal N, two of the most important television outlets in Peru, which also belong to Grupo La República and Grupo El Comercio, the latter being the majority shareholder. Ospina's dismissal occurred just a month before the second round of the presidential elections, in an extremely polarizing contest.

Print screen do mapa de violencia policial

Cerosetenta, Bellingcat and Forensic Architecture come together to map police violence and reconstruct crimes during protests in Colombia

The first stage of collaboration is the interactive map, called Repression and Death in the Streets of Colombia, which was launched on May 9. The platform allows the viewer to see several videos of police violence, categorized according to date and geolocation.

Gavel sitting on the keyboard of a laptop

Protection law for journalists in El Salvador still out of reach, even as attacks grow

In what is perhaps one of the most critical moments for journalism in El Salvador, the approval of the Law for the Protection of Journalists seems farther and farther away. The bill seeks to be very comprehensive, covering issues from labor rights to the different types of violence suffered by journalists, also including a gender perspective for problems affecting women journalists.

Graphics from Folha and O Globo

Who's right? In fight for national market, Brazil’s two main newspapers proclaim themselves ‘the most widely read’

The two largest newspapers in Brazil are in an open dispute for market leadership and they both call themselves leaders, but use different criteria and numbers to reach this conclusion.

Guilherme Amado's TikTok

Why so serious?: Latin American journalists explore popular video-sharing app TikTok to attract young readers

“Latin American journalists are understanding the need to use TikTok as a more direct way to reach that young audience that uses entertainment as a communication tool,” Noelia Gonzalez Pereyra told LJR.

Featured Image ISOJ

ISOJ wraps up second virtual-only conference with more than 7,300 registrants from 154 countries

More than 7,300 people from 154 countries and territories registered for the 22nd annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) as the global journalism conference went completely online for the second year in a row.