
Gender and Diversity

Projeto Querino mostra como a história com um olhar afrocentrado explica o Brasil de hoje. Na foto, Rogero entrevista Vania Guerra, descendente de africanos escravizados e líder de uma comunidade quilombola no litoral do Rio de Janeiro. Foto: cortesia Angelica Paula/Projeto Querino

Podcast Querino Project celebrates Black protagonism in Brazilian history and reaches over 800 thousand downloads

In addition to the podcast, the Querino Project has a series of feature articles published in the Piauí magazine. More than 40 professionals worked for two years and eight months on the research and production. Inspired by the New York Times' Project 1619, Querino brings an Afro-centric look at the history of Brazil to contribute to the understanding of the country's current political and social challenges.

indigenous women walking carrying children and smiling

10 tips for covering Indigenous peoples' realities

Edilma Prada, founder of Agenda Propia, and Juan Manuel Jiménez Ocaña, expert in interculturalism and Indigenous education, share recommendations to portray with dignity the knowledge, values and ways of life of Indigenous peoples.

Journalists Esteban Hernández, Geo González, Carolina Vila-Nova and Daniel Villatoro at the 2nd Conference on Diversity in Journalism

To make way for LGBTQ+ and gender issues in the media, 'uncomfortable conversations' must happen, journalists say during Sexual Diversity panel

To make women and LGBTQ+ people more present in coverage and in positions of power in the media, journalists need to have 'uncomfortable conversations' with colleagues, managers and themselves, Geo González (Mexico), Carolina Vila-Nova (Brazil), Daniel Villatoro (Guatemala), and Esteban Hernández (Colombia) said.

Panel sobre migración durante la Segunda Conferencia Latinoamericana sobre Diversidad en el Periodismo. (Foto: Captura de pantalla)

Journalists need to become aware of their own biases when covering migration, panelists said at Knight Center’s 2nd diversity conference

Self-exploration exercises, including immigrant journalists in newsrooms and telling stories for immigrants (and not only about immigrants) are some of the tips to promote a more diverse and inclusive coverage of immigration, according to panelists who took part in the Second Latin American Conference on Diversity in Journalism.

cuarto panel conferencia diversidad

In journalism, telling the truth is also about showing difference, panelists at Knight Center’s 2nd diversity conference said

The fourth panel of the Second Latin American Conference on Diversity in Journalism entitled "Diversity in Journalism" presented products and initiatives that promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in Latin American journalism. According to the panelists, diversity can be promoted by both traditional and independent media, as long as it is done rigorously.

Stories of Indigenous and Black populations in Latin America must be told in their own voices, journalists said in panel about diversity

Given the narratives of hate and the invisibilization that Indigenous, Afro-descendant and Black communities suffer in Latin America, journalists must give them a voice, know their realities and avoid their re-victimization, Diana Manzo, Indhira Suero and Edilma Prada, members of the first panel of the 2nd Latin American Conference on Diversity in Journalism, said.

Session de Cierre 2a Conferencia Latinoamericana sobre Diversidad en el Periodismo

What's next? Some ideas for boosting diversity in journalism in Latin America

The closing session of the Second Latin American Conference on Diversity in Journalism took stock of the ideas discussed during the event and planted the seed for the creation of a future continental organization to promote the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion in journalism in Latin America.

The human impact of the lack of diversity in Brazilian newsrooms

In Brazil, where 43.2% of the population identifies as white and 55.7% as Black, newsrooms are composed of 77% white employees. Research shows that a lack of diversity affects news production and journalists themselves.

Women in Paraguay holding protest signs, cameras and microphones pointed towards them, night time

Paraguayan women journalists and female media workers denounce sexual and labor harassment at Grupo Albavisión

The Paraguayan Union of Journalists and press collectives are defending the rights of the country's women journalists and female media workers to report harassment in the newsroom and not be fired as a result, which has been the case recently.

Woman holding a megaphone

Mexican university offers training in investigative journalism with a gender perspective

Investigative journalism often uncovers illegalities and injustices and contributes to the securing of and access to rights. In the case of gender inequalities, investigative journalism also plays a crucial role. A university in Mexico seeks to fill the gap in training on this topic through an online course in investigative journalism with a gender perspective.