

Posts Tagged ‘ Brazil ’

Brasília – The Espionage Parliamentary Inquiry Comission (CPI) hears journalist Glenn Greenwald and his partner, Brazilian David Miranda, on the accusations of espionage on behalf of the U.S. government towards Brazil. L/R: David Miranda and Glenn Greenwald. Elza Fiúza / Agência Brasil

Complaint against journalist Glenn Greenwald is rejected by Brazilian court

Greenwald, founder of the sites The Intercept and The Intercept Brasil, was charged on Jan. 21 by a federal prosecutor for hacking a computing device, illegal interception of communications and criminal association.

Material do projeto EducaMídia, de educação midiática

Brazilian projects for media literacy and combating false news find allies outside journalism

Brazilian media literacy and anti-disinformation projects decided to leave newsrooms and seek allies outside the journalistic bubble, with courses for digital influencers, teachers and students, employees of the Judiciary and companies in the most varied sectors, from banks to health plans. Many of these projects, which have emerged in recent years, start from the basis […]

Glenn Greenwald

Brazilian prosecutors charge Glenn Greenwald after reporting on leaked messages; journalist says it’s ‘an attack on free press'

 U.S. journalist Glenn Greenwald was charged by the Federal Public Prosecutor (MPF, for its acronym in Portuguese) for alleged involvement with hackers who accessed messages exchanged through the Telegram application by various authorities

Jair Bolsonaro

Attacks on the press in Brazil rise 54% in 2019, according to Fenaj report

Attacks against media outlets and journalists in Brazil increased by 54 percent in 2019, compared to the previous year, according to general data from the report of the National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ)

person at computer

Media crisis and lack of career opportunities lead journalists to work for those they used to monitor, says Brazilian research

With a trained reporter's eye, Camarotto noted a curious tendency: the departure of senior journalists from newsrooms to join the communications teams of the governments in the region

Jair Bolsonaro

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro made 116 attacks on the press in 2019, according to Fenaj

According to Fenaj's president, Maria José Braga, this is the first time the entity has carried out this kind of monitoring with a president. She stated that today there is an institutionalization of attacks on the press

Mayor of Rio, Marcelo Crivella, and Comunication Team

Rio de Janeiro mayor threatens journalists and announces newspaper boycott after report on alleged bribe payments

The mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Marcelo Crivella, severed city hall’s relations with newspaper O Globo, the largest in the city and edited by Grupo Globo, the largest communication group in the country. As a practical effect, on Dec. 3, two journalists from the outlet were prevented from attending a press conference about the city's New Year's Eve party, which annually attracts millions of tourists from Brazil and around the world.

Emmanuel Colombié, da RSF, fala durante primeiro evento de lançamento do site MOM América Latina, em São Paulo. (Foto: Carolina de Assis / Centro Knight)

High concentration of media ownership threatens media plurality in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, says RSF

On Dec. 3, Reporters Without Borders (RSF, for its acronym in French) launched the Media Ownership Monitor (MOM) website for Latin America, bringing together studies on media ownership in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Jair Bolsonaro

Bolsonaro government excludes Folha de S. Paulo from bidding and president recommends Brazilians "not buy the newspaper"

Brazil’s Secretary of Social Communication of the Presidency of the Republic, Fábio Wajngarten, accused Folha de S. Paulo of “defending a conspiracy for the exit” of President Jair Bolsonaro, and of “preaching disrespect, lies and frustrated attempts to demoralize him” in an article published in the newspaper Dec. 2.