

Posts Tagged ‘ Brazil ’

Photo of Agência Tatu office

Brazilian journalists launch local data agency in a region of the country with a high concentration of news deserts

While still in college and with just US $36, Brazilian students launched Tatu, a data journalism agency specializing in coverage of the state of Alagoas. Today, the startup has eight employees, is already financially sustainable and seeks to expand its coverage.

Map of Brazil

Report for the World program arrives in Brazil and helps two newsrooms hire reporters

The creators of a successful program matching journalists with underserved communities in the United States are digging roots in Latin America. Report for the World, a program of international news organization The GroundTruth Project, is partnering with Brazilian digital natives Marco Zero and InfoAmazonia to fund reporting positions and offer training for their newsrooms. Launched in mid […]

Eliane Brum

Press is also responsible for the crisis of democracy and for the election of Bolsonaro and Trump, says Eliane Brum, winner of the Cabot Prize

In the interview, Brum talks about the times she suffered sexual harassment and discrimination in Brazilian newsrooms, about the experience of being a mother at age 15 and the lack of support at work, in addition to the decision to move to Altamira, in the interior of the Amazon

Zehbrauskas, vencedora do Prêmio Cabot: ‘Fazer fotojornalismo é caro, é preciso viajar, investir em equipamento, segurança, [pagar] honorários decentes. Sem isso vejo um futuro muito escuro.’ Foto: Crédito: Dario Lopez-Mills

Brazilian photojournalist Adriana Zehbrauskas receives Maria Moors Cabot Prize: ‘this profession is about others, not ourselves’

U.S.-based Brazilian photojournalist Adriana Zehbrauskas is internationally recognized for her sensitivity and empathy in covering people in vulnerable situations in the Americas. She is one of the winners of the 2021 Maria Moors Cabot Prize, the first edition awarded exclusively to women.

illustration of a hacker or someone with bad intentions

Automated profiles account for 20% of attacks on journalists on Twitter in Brazil, study says

A study by the NGO Reporters without Borders (RSF) and the Technology and Society Institute of Rio (ITS-Rio) shows that social media has become a hostile territory for the press in Brazil. In a three-month period, between March 14 and June 13, 2021, the researchers identified 498,693 attacks on journalists and the press in general in Brazil. A fifth of the total attacks came from accounts with a high probability of automated behavior, i.e., robots.

Illustration of people looking at phones

78% of Brazilians think journalists try to hide their mistakes, says research from Reuters Institute

The report, from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, has collected data in four countries: Brazil, India, UK and the U.S.

People choosing people in screens

Pandemic allowed experimentation with audience-generated content in Latin American media, study says

Researchers looked at 80 news sites from 20 Latin American countries and identified three that stood out in making the audience an active part in making the news: digital natives GK (Ecuador), The Intercept (Brazil) and RED/ACCIÓN (Argentina ). According to the study, published in Brazil Journalism Research, the business model of the three outlets, based on direct revenue from the audience, creates more spaces for collaboration with the public.

Microphone illustration

Network for the Protection of Journalists and Communicators offers online tool to report attacks and threats in Brazil

New initiative brings together organizations of journalists and communicators to receive reports of threats, attacks and violations of press freedom in Brazil. Coordinated by the Vladimir Herzog Institute and by Article 19, the Network for the Protection of Journalists and Communicators has an online reporting tool and will offer training and protection courses to improve journalistic practice in the country.

Nexo training program participants

Training programs for Black journalists seek to increase racial diversity in newsrooms across Brazil

In addition to Folha, Nexo Jornal also launched an exclusive training program for Black people in 2021. These initiatives seek to break down some of the barriers that hinder the entry and permanence of Black journalists in Brazilian newsrooms, also leading to debates about racism and whiteness within organizations.

Equipe da Reporter Brasil em 2015

Repórter Brasil celebrates 20 years of awards, scoops, investigations and consolidates itself as a reference in human rights

Repórter Brasil celebrates its 20th anniversary on Oct. 9, the date the site was originally launched – in director-general Leonardo Sakamoto's words, the NGO is today, due to its history in the country, "a grandpa of digital journalism organizations.” To mark the anniversary, LJR spoke with key people at Repórter Brasil to talk about how it works, their way of doing journalism and their plans for the future. 

Tela da TN instalada em mercado na zona sul de São Paulo. Ao todo, serão 25 telas, com audiência estimada entre 500 e 800 mil pessoas por mês. Foto: cortesia.

Brazilian digital outlets launch solution to distribute and monetize news about the periphery of São Paulo

Innovative project of four Brazilian journalism outlets expands content distribution in the periphery and favelas while helping to increase revenue for newsrooms. Initially launched in São Paulo, the initiative installed 25 screens in commercial establishments with up to 800,000 visitors each month.

Illustration of person with a bubble and the letters "En"

Latin American media seek to influence public debate and engage audience in U.S. by translating their journalism to English

In recent years, various digital media in Latin America, from Mexico to Chile, have decided to translate and create content in English as a way to reach new audiences and thus increase their profits. Although, sometimes that’s easier said than done.