

Posts Tagged ‘ Cuba ’

Yoel Acosta Gámez: ‘minha mensagem ao regime comunista é vamos continuar mostrando a realidade do povo cubano. Não temos medo de ser levados para a prisão’. Foto: ADN Cuba

Cuba fines independent journalist based on recent decree regulating the internet

Cuban independent journalist Yoel Acosta Gámez is one of the first to be fined under the new Decree-Law 35, which regulates telecommunications services on the island but, in practice, tightens control over the use of the internet and social media.

Cuban flag

Cuban journalists detained during historic demonstrations; some whereabouts unknown and one faces charges

Seven journalists have been detained in Cuba following historic demonstrations throughout the island that started on July 11 amid food and medication shortages.

Map shows global press freedom situation. Source: RSF

Latin American countries fall in global press freedom ranking

The global press freedom ranking by NGO Reporters Without Borders (RSF) confirmed a perceived trend in Latin America: a general worsening of conditions for the exercise of journalism on the continent. Of the 24 countries in the region analyzed, 19 lost points in the RSF survey.

Antony Blinken

U.S. State Department report on human rights and press freedom around the world draws ire of some Latin American leaders

Governments of several Latin American countries have struck back after the U.S. State Department released its report on human rights practices around the world, including comments regarding freedoms of expression and of the press. However, the annual reports, which are now in their 45th edition, are welcomed by press freedom and journalism groups in nations […]

Cuban flag

Cuba sees increase of 124% in violations against press freedom in January and journalists anticipate trend of greater repression

In part, the skyrocketing of the cases can be attributed to the suppression of a demonstration on Jan. 27, but journalists and organizations in the country believe that attacks on the press are part of a broader escalation of aggressions

Featured - Camila Acosta

Detentions, evictions and phones broken by the police are a constant for Cuban journalist Camila Acosta

Cuban journalist Camila Acosta has had to move 10 times, between March and October, replace her cell phone three times and has been detained up to four times.

BLM Protest

Latin American journalism joins global conversation on racism and diversity in newsrooms

In recent months, headlines in media outlets from Cuba to Brazil highlight the murders of Black and Indigenous men and youth, placing them in the context of a notorious case that had global repercussions.

Women with tape over her mouth

Latin American journalists suffered 630 attacks during the first half of 2020

Between January and June of 2020, Voces del Sur, a Latin American initiative, registered 630 aggressions against the press in the region. These went on the rise or worsened after governments issued a health emergency.

Hands holding different instruments of journalism and breaking a chain

19 independent Cuban media outlets publish joint declaration demanding more protection and respect for the press from government

The independent press also urged the government, for the first time, according to 14yMedio, for the repeal of laws that infringe on the right to freedom of expression and the legalization of independent media.

person writing in notebook and holding microphones

Review of Radio Televisión Martí says U.S. government-funded news service to Cuba disregards objective journalism for propaganda

An independent report found that news shows offered on U.S. government-funded Radio Televisión Martí, which produces news for and about Cuba, were “peppered with bad journalism” as well as being “ineffective propaganda.”

ISOJ Research Panel

Researchers discuss the status and limits of journalistic practices in Latin America and the Caribbean at ISOJ

During the research panel “Digital media and democracy in the Americas” at the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 12, three scholars shared their research and unveiled the limits of journalism in holding the powerful accountable across in Uruguay, Cuba and Chile.