Journalists on the 150 square mile island of St. Vincent are showing how residents are grappling with the continuing eruptions of La Soufrière, fallen ash, evacuations, water shortages and damage to homes in the midst of a global pandemic.
After receiving two death threats on social media in the last six months, Peruvian investigative journalist Paola Ugaz recently learned that the public prosecutor will not open an investigation in either case.
In Paraguay, 19 journalists have been murdered in the last 30 years, but few cases have been solved. The Bureau for the Safety of Journalists in Paraguay calls for effective measures to protect and prevent crimes against journalists.
Governments of several Latin American countries have struck back after the U.S. State Department released its report on human rights practices around the world, including comments regarding freedoms of expression and of the press. However, the annual reports, which are now in their 45th edition, are welcomed by press freedom and journalism groups in nations […]
To help journalists inform the public about the COVID-19 vaccines and fight disinformation surrounding them, the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas teamed up with UN agencies to offer a free online course taught by experts in the field.
“Disinformation and fact-checking in times of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean,” a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Knight Center, is now available as a self-directed course.
“Disinformation and fact-checking in times of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean,” a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Knight Center, is now available as a self-directed course.
Red Tejiendo Historias, or The Story Weaving Network, is geared at connecting non-Indigenous journalists, Indigenous journalists, and Indigenous communities to build a more robust conversation about coverage of peoples native to the American continent.
Watch video of this conference panel. Two journalists who shared life and professional experiences in their search for diversity in the news opened the First Latin American Conference on Diversity in Journalism. The first invited speaker, Ruthy Muñoz, wanted to be a journalist since she was 9 years old. Her parents are Dominican, but she […]
Cover disability from the solutions. That was the theme of the last session of the First Latin American Conference on Diversity in Journalism that took place from March 26 to 27 completely online. The conference was organized by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas with support from Google News Initiative.
Panel on sexual orientation of the First Latin American Conference on Diversity in Journalism, talks about sexual diversity in journalism as the intersection between gender, race and social class.
Painel sobre diversidade racial e étnica no jornalismo discutiu temas como representatividade e cobertura de temáticas raciais na América Latina.