

Alex Silveira: 21 anos em busca de justiça por ter ficado cego de um olho após ser atingido por uma bala de borracha disparada pela polícia de São Paulo. Foto: Sergio Silva/Ponte Jornalismo

Journalists who lost eyesight after being injured covering protests face long court battles

A decision by the Supreme Court of Brazil recognized the right to compensation in the case of a photojournalist who was blinded after being hit by a rubber bullet 21 years ago. The sentence potentially opens the door for other journalists who have been injured in similar situations and are fighting for their rights to be recognized.

Self-directed banner for how to report safely

'How to report safely: Strategies for women journalists & their allies' now available as a self-directed online course

“How to report safely: Strategies for women journalists & their allies” is now available as a self-directed online coursethat can be taken through JournalismCourses.org, Knight Center’s online learning platform.

Equipe de No-Ficción. Foto Divulgação

Guatemalan journalists fight threats and lack of transparency to do investigative and community journalism

LatAm Journalism Review (LJR) spoke with representatives of three digital media in Guatemala, who spoke about the main challenges for doing investigative journalism in the country and also how they are innovating and investing in new narrative and business strategies

Person holding a remote control and pointing it at a TV

Exit of journalists during elections threatens the credibility of television channels in Peru

The recent resignation of a group of journalists claiming a violation of the Guiding Principles of their media outlet, as well as the subsequent dismissal of two producers from the América TV and Canal N channels has caused a scandal in which even the press council’s Ethics Court is involved.

Newspaper graphic

How the lack of Brazilian correspondents in China affects perceptions of both countries

Brazilian journalists working in China alert to a growth of disinformation and synophobia.

Deserto (vermelho), semideserto (bege), semibosque (amarelo) e bosque (verde)

News deserts and semi-deserts make up three quarters of Argentina and affect a third of the population

6,600,000 Argentines, equivalent to 16.7 percent of the population, live in places where there is no independent press outlet, that is, in news deserts, according to a study by FOPEA.

Jineth Bedoya Lima

Inter-American court’s decision in Jineth Bedoya case could be transformational for Colombian journalists, says watchdog

More than 20 years after journalist Jineth Bedoya was attacked, the Colombian State is judged by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. National and international media are paying close attention to the court's decision due to its implications for freedom of expression and women journalists in the region.

Fire in 2010 at El Ávila Mountain in Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuelan digital magazine analyzes 20 years of data on fires in protected areas despite government opacity

Despite a lack of a monitoring system for public fires in the country, the journalists at Venezuelan digital magazine Prodavinci put together a project mapping two decades of fires in the country's protected areas. They used satellite data from abroad and worked with academics for this data journalism project.

AJOR participants on a ZOOM

Brazilian journalists launch Digital Journalism Association, Ajor, on National Press Freedom Day

A group of 30 innovative, independent online journalism organizations committed to diversity and democracy took advantage of National Press Freedom Day in Brazil to officially launch AJOR - the Digital Journalism Association. 


Part 3 of the LJR glossary of journalistic expressions brings reader behind the scenes of leaks, rowbacks and more

The third installment of the LJR glossary of journalistic expressions introduces words and terms such as bastidor, trascendió, vazamento, leak, filtración, trial balloon, borrego and rowback, among others

image of Mexican military

Public information requests are an alternative for investigating drug trafficking in Mexico

To cover the so-called "War on Drugs," Mexican journalists are using the public information law to uncover the dark worlds of drug trafficking and the State’s fight against it.


Criminal investigations against journalists: Nicaraguan government's fortified strategy to persecute the press

In one of the most aggressive actions against the independent press in Nicaragua, the country's public prosecutor, close to the administration of President Daniel Ortega, has called at least 16 journalists from the country as witnesses or has named them among those investigated in a case of alleged money laundering.