
Violence Against Journalists

Crime scene

Eleven journalists from Latin America and the Caribbean died in 2021, with Mexico being the deadliest country, according to CPJ census

The number of journalists murdered decreased in 2021 compared to 2020 worldwide. However, Mexico remains the most lethal country for journalists in the region, with 3 confirmed cases and 6 unconfirmed cases of journalists killed for their profession, according to the annual census of the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Mountains in Quetzaltenango Guatemala

Guatemalan provincial and rural journalists face a ‘desolate and desperate’ situation to inform communities

While legal harassment of well-known Guatemala City journalists José Rubén Zamora, publisher of the daily elPeriódico, and Juan Luis Font of the broadcast analysis program Con Criterio have made international news in recent months, less well-known are attacks against vulnerable journalists who live away from the capital—in provincial cities and in the rural areas of […]

News microphone behind jail bars

Six journalists remain in prison in Latin America as the freedom of expression crisis worsens in the region, according to CPJ report

Pese a que en América Latina la cifra de periodistas en prisión es relativamente baja, el CPJ advirtió que en 2021 se registró un preocupante deterioro en la situación de la libertad de prensa en la región al considerar otros indicadores.

Journalists protesting censorship

Guatemalan journalists form collective to resist authoritarianism and censorship

Given the recent increase in attacks and harassment of journalists in the Central American country, Prensa Contra la Censura intends to raise awareness among Guatemalans as to the importance of defending independent journalism.

Gustavo Gorriti

Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti on sentencing for his abduction: ‘I feel no joy, but I do believe the sentence was fair’

A Peruvian court has sentenced Alberto Fujimori's former presidential adviser, Vladimiro Montesinos, to 17 years in prison for the abduction of Peruvian journalist Gustavo Gorriti in April 1992. The journalist said that, although he believes the sentence to be fair, it ended up being a very long process.

Cuban flag

Journalists in Cuba are besieged, intimidated and watched to prevent them from covering the 15-N protests

Members of the press have faced extrajudicial house arrests, summons with authorities, suspension of services, withdrawal of accreditations and the presence of security agents near their homes since days before the 15-N protests.

José Rubén Zamora - Guatemala

‘In Guatemala, there are no institutional checks and balances,’ says journalist José Rubén Zamora after a recent denunciation of persecution

Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora, director and founder of elPeriódico, publicly denounced what he said are actions of judicial harassment by the government against him and his media outlet due to their critical editorial line.

Cover of UNESCO report: Threats that Silence

Latin America ties with Asia as the regions with the most murders of journalists between 2016 and 2020, UNESCO report says

Latin America and the Caribbean recorded 123 homicides of journalists in the last five years. Mexico is the country with the most murdered communicators in the region and in the world, with 61 registered cases.

Photos of journalists killed in Mexico with fake blood on them

Mexico and Brazil again on CPJ's Global Impunity Index

The Committee to Protect Journalists published the Global Impunity Index that lists the top 12 countries where perpetrators of crimes against journalists go free. Mexico and Brazil are the Latin American countries that made the ranking.

Jineth Bedoya

Inter-American Court condemns Colombia in case of abduction, torture and sexual assault of journalist Jineth Bedoya Lima

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights found that Colombia is responsible for the violation of several human rights of journalist Jineth Bedoya Lima as a result of the crime of which she was a victim in 2000.

Shadow of a hand on a computer keyboard

Ultra-conservative and anti-vaccine groups threaten journalists in Peru

Peruvian journalists from two media outlets are harassed and threatened online by supporters of radical ultra-right and anti-vaccine groups.